Science Teachers’ Attitude regarding Use of Digital Tools in Public School of Punjab
Shafia Baber, Shahzada Qaisar
Science teachers’ typology, attitudes, digital toolsAbstract
Science teachers in many countries use Digital tools (DTs) less frequently,
despite the increasing potential of DTs for teaching and learning. The
attitude of science teachers toward DTs and their perceptions of DTs' use
in the classroom has a significant effect on their use of ICT in their learning
and teaching activities. The main objective of this study was to develop an
understanding of how science teachers have attitudes regarding the use of
DTs in the science classroom. The paradigm of this research was
interpretive and the research method was qualitative. Convenience
sampling was utilized to explore science teachers' attitudes toward the use
of DTs in public schools. This case study included ten science teachers for
individual interviews. In this research, an accessible data source NVivo
software was used for thematic analysis to classify, establish, and improve
understanding of themes through the data collections. The “three science
teachers’ typology” was recognized after the interviews with the
participants. The analysis indicated that a science teacher does not easily
accept the change that occurs through technology. They would feel the
influence and maybe experience acclimation problems. Because the
personality trait of a teacher has a direct impact on a student's ability and
performance. It is suggested that educational institutions set up teacher
training programs to educate them on various cutting-edge strategies and
procedures that might assist in developing a positive attitude toward DTs
and integrating technology.