HEC 'Y' Category
Review Policy
Review Policy
Peer Review Policy and Process
JIE follows a double-blind peer reviewing policy. All submissions are reviewed internally
and externally.
Initial Screening: Initial screening for the suitability of the article for publication in JIE is
carried out by the Journal editors. Each article is reviewed by the team and authors are
informed about the comments or suggestion of the editorial board and are required to
revise their paper in the specific time.
Regretting after initial review: A large number of submissions are rejected without
being sent out for external peer review on the grounds of priority, insufficient originality,
scientific flaws, lack of interest to the readers or the absence of scope of the journal.
Usually, an immediate decision is taken on such papers. Initial internal review process
usually takes maximum 2-3 months.
Sending paper to reviewers: The internally reviewed and revised articles are assigned to
an editor, who will send it to two reviewers selected from a list of reviewers. The paper
may also be sent to a statistical specialist reviewer if the paper demands such expertise.
Once the reviews have been received the managing editor/associate editor/assistant editor
makes a decision to accept or reject a manuscript, or to request revisions from the author
in response to the reviewers’ comments. The peer review process usually takes 3-4
Selection of Peer Reviewers
Selection of reviewers is of greater significance for publishing a high-quality paper. JIE
selects reviewers keeping their expertise, reputation, experience, and qualification in
mind. The editorial board discourages using those reviewers who do not give potential
feedback and specific comments or are slow, non serious or biased in any sense. JIE gets
reviewers’ consent before sending them papers to them for review.
For Uniformity of review report format, peer review form has been designed. Feedback of
reviewers or each major components of article is to make final decision.
The KEY for final recommendations as per AIOU policy is as follows:
Scop Newness and Applicability: 30%