ISSN: 2522-3224 (Print)
ISSN: 2523-109X (Online)
Aim and Scope
Journal of Contemporary in Teacher Education (JCTE) being the flagship journal of Teacher Education aims to serve as a forum for the dissemination of research related to theory, policy and practices in Teacher Education. It is a blind peer-reviewed, annual journal that, in the broadest sense takes into account all local, national and international perspective of Teacher Education. The focus is primarily, but exclusively on contemporary approaches and emerging practices of Teacher Education.
JCTE is now seeking manuscript intended to present either big picture analyses related to global scenario of Teacher Education or specific case studies addressing localized Teacher Education policies and practices.
Authors’ contributions are welcome on the themes including but not limited to the followings:
- Policy of Teacher Education – both in local and global contexts
- Practices of Teacher Education – both in exclusive and comparative perspectives
- Research in Teacher Education
- Continuous Professional Development
- Resources allocation, generation and utilization in Teacher Education
- Use of ICTs in Teacher Education
- Issues and problems in Teacher Education
- Training teachers for online teaching
- Preparing Teacher-as content developer and instructional designer
- Reflective practices as self-education of teachers
- Micro teaching
- Teaching as learning twice
- Case studies of Teacher Education Programs
- Effectiveness of Teacher Training Programs
- Global Trends in Teacher Education
- Training Teachers for Multidisciplinary Teaching
- Mentoring – for Quality Teaching
- Educating Teachers for inclusive classrooms
- Induction Training
- Accreditation and Recognition of Teacher Education Programs
- Quality in Teacher Education
- National Professional Standards for Teachers
- Preparing culturally responsive teachers
- Action Research in Teaching and Teacher Education
- Models of Teachers Education
- Accreditation, Licensing and Certification