ISSN (Online): 3007-231X
ISSN (Print): 3007-2301
About the Journal
International journal of Literacy Theory and practice (IJLTP) is an international Journal of Faculty of Education, published by Allama Iqbal Open University Pakistan. This is published bi-annually with aim to offer a national and international platform for contemporary research and theory in literacy and literacy education to encourage multidisciplinary professionals to exchange their ideas and explore the innovative practices on literacy and non-formal education. Articles of IJLTP promote discussion and constructive critique about key areas of research in literacy theory and practice. Key features of IJLTP include a strong commitment to quality research, promotion of research and address the diversity in the current and future forms of literacy theory and practices. Articles can be of original empirical research, literature and book reviews, critical and exploratory essays, case studies, policy reviews etc. focusing on issues related to all aspects of literacy theory and practices.
Peer-reviewed International Journal of Literacy Theory and Practice is a strategic forum for multidisciplinary dialogues among researchers, literacy departments, policy makers, administrators, parents, communities and all stakeholders of literacy, non-formal and continuing education.
IJLTP, being a research platform for literacy theory and practices, encourages sharing of experiences, practices, novelties, and creativity in the areas of literacy practices for different target groups, media/IT literacy, community development, technical and vocational education for out of school youth and illiterate adults, non-formal education, family & intergenerational literacy.
Scope of Journal
IJLTP lays special emphasis on the following topics of interest:
- Education for all
- Literacy practices for different target groups
- Community development and participation
- Andragogical techniques and practices
- Skills development and adults
- Out of school youth and illiterate adults
- Parental involvement in planning and implementation of local educational programs
- Non-formal education
- Basic and functional literacy initiatives
- Literacy: policies and structures
- Theoretical understanding of literacy and practices.
- Information communication technologies and literacy
- Issues associated with literacy provisions
- Global trends in literacy and vocational education
- Life skills education
- Community mobilization techniques
- Learning needs
- Literacy needs and provisions in global and national perspectives
- Teachers’ training in literacy and non-formal education
- Variations in literacy practices across the globe
- Leadership issues in achieving targets of literacy and skills training
- Non-formal education and open schooling
- Technologies for adaptation of literacy and practices
- Literacy provisions for special education needs
- Literacy curriculum and instructional practices
- Literacy activities and students’ involvement Assessment and evaluation of literacy initiatives
- Certification of literacy, adult, and non-formal education
- Learning theories and adult literacy