Experience of Professional Development Strategies: Context of Nepalese EFL Teachers


  • Kumari Damayanti Joshi, Laxman Gnawali, Mary Dixon




English language teaching, EFL teachers, learning strategies, Nepal, professional developmen


Professional Development (PD) for teachers in developing countries is an emerging emphasis despite limited resources. Evidence regarding the teachers’ experiences of PD activities in developing countries, including Nepal, are not well known. This study aimed to identify and discuss PD strategies employed by Nepalese English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers and experiences. The study employed a qualitative research design for data collection among 45 EFL teachers recruited from 15 high schools and colleges across the districts of Kathmandu and Lalitpur. Data on teachers’ age, gender, academic qualification, teaching experience (in terms of number of years), and teacher training, their experiences about PD and the perceived benefits of the different learning strategies of PD were collected using a questionnaire. The findings are presented in terms of the four main groups of PD strategies - self-directed, professionrelated, peer-supported and study-(research-) focused. We report that the
Nepalese EFL teachers have positive experience towards different PD strategies. The EFL teachers have been benefited mostly from selfdirected (own teaching experience and self -monitoring), profession related (workshops, seminars and conferences), and peer-supported (learning from colleagues) PD strategies. The study recommends that there is a need for on-going PD activities for EFL teachers in Nepal.


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How to Cite

Kumari Damayanti Joshi, Laxman Gnawali, Mary Dixon. (2023). Experience of Professional Development Strategies: Context of Nepalese EFL Teachers. PJE, 35(2). https://doi.org/10.30971/pje.v35i2.1016


