Committee PJE Allama Iqbal Open University, Journal Systems<p>Pakistan Journal of Education</p> Comprehensive Examination of Parental Involvement in Children's Education Considering the Influence of Parental Educational Levels2024-03-25T10:22:20+05:00Jalal Deen<div> <p class="11Normal02-SecondOnwardParagraph"><em><span lang="MS">This research paper aimed to investigate the dynamics of parental involvement in Sri Lanka's secondary school students,<br />emphasising the nuanced influence of parental educational levels, the study comprehensively examined the multifaceted<br />aspects of parental participation, considering academic, social, and emotional dimensions in the development of secondary<br />school children. The diverse educational landscape of Sri Lanka, characterised by urban and rural schools, varying resource<br />allocations, and a spectrum of parental educational backgrounds, serves as a rich backdrop for exploration. The study recognised<br />the potential impact of socioeconomic factors on parental attitudes, expectations, and engagement in children's Education.<br />The research aims explicitly to unravel patterns, challenges, and opportunities that can inform informed policy decisions and<br />targeted interventions by focusing on parental educational levels. The methodology section details a survey-based<br />quantitative approach. The population of the study is secondary school children in Sri Lanka, involving a representative sample<br />of 1350 secondary school students. Rigorous measures, including a Likert Scale and follwed by Two-Way MANOVA,<br />were employed to analyse parental involvement based on mothers' and fathers’ highest educational levels. The findings<br />reveal significant variations in parental participation based on maternal academic levels, aligning with existing literature.<br />Interestingly, while no significant differences were found based on paternal education levels, a nuanced analysis uncovered<br />substantial variations among students with fathers possessing different educational backgrounds. The conclusion emphasises<br />the complexity of the relationship between parental Education and involvement, aligning with social capital theory. The study<br />advocates for tailored interventions, considering the unique contributions of both mothers and fathers, to foster inclusive and<br />effective strategies for promoting parental engagement in student learning.</span></em></p> </div>2024-01-01T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 PJE Positive emotional impact of teaching in native language among female School teachers of Hyderabad City2024-03-25T06:19:26+05:00Fozia Aamir Mashooque Siddiquishahanamumtaz98@gmail.comShuhab<p> </p> <p>Emotions play a vital role in communication. Teaching in a native the language has a more positive emotional experience than teaching in non-native language. The present cross -sectional correlational study aimed to investigate the positive emotional impact of teaching in the native language among female school teachers of Hyderabad, city. The hypothesis of the study states teaching in native language would predict a positive emotional impact on teaching. The sample of the study was 100 female school teachers I.e. 50 native language female teachers and 50 non-native language female teachers aged between 25 to 45 years, working in public sector schools in Hyderabad city. Non probability purposive sampling technique was used for data collection. For the measurement of the variables of the study we distributed personal information questionnaires based on demographic variables of the participants of the study I.e. name, age, and teaching experience and for the measurement of teachers’ emotions The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) (Watson, Clark, & Telligent 1988) designed to assess moods distributed among female school teachers. The Cronbach Alpha reliabilities of PANA scales are .89 for PA and .85 for NA. For the analysis of the obtained data mean, SD, and regression analysis was computed with the help of SPSS 22. The result of the study finds significant positive emotional communication related to the teaching in the native language (B=.479, t= 6.789, p=.000) than teaching in a non-native language (B= .276, t= 3.76, p= .001). The results of the present study would have significance in implementing the policy of compulsory teaching in native language.</p>2024-01-01T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 PJE or De-professionalise Teachers: Some Policy Lessons from Classroom Practices of Pakistan2024-03-24T08:46:43+05:00Afaq<p>Teaching quality is imperative for students’ development. Proponents of teacher education argue that teachers with preservice<br />training are more effective in teaching quality. Opponents argue that subject-mastery and on-the-job professional training are<br />necessary. Considering the latter argument, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government in Pakistan introduced the ‘Induction<br />Policy 2017’ which abolished the requirement of teaching qualification for recruitment. To examine the rationale behind the<br />change in policy, we undertook a multiple case study to explore the differences in the classroom practices of teachers with and without<br />preservice professional qualifications. Employing a multiple case study approach, the data were collected from 16 participants (eight<br />each with and without professional qualifications) through observations and interviews. The results revealed that teachers in<br />both groups display a mix of weak and mediocre practices. Factors such as working conditions, low quality of training, low status of<br />teachers, and parental non-cooperation contribute to weak practices. The paper argues that the policy offers quick pathways<br />to enter the profession but teaching quality remains an issue. We call for a balance between pedagogy and content, prioritize<br />teaching quality irrespective of qualifications and boost the professionalism and status of teachers.</p>2024-01-01T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 PJE Education Sustainable Development (SDG-4) 2025: A Comparative Study of Government and Punjab Education Foundation Secondary Schools2024-04-08T19:02:38+05:00Sabir Hussainsabirjanmarri@gmail.comMasood Farooq<p>Quality of education is essential for the development of a nation, it is more important at the secondary school level because<br />this level provides a nursery for higher education. The current study aimed to compare the government and Punjab Education<br />Foundation Secondary Schools regarding quality education to meet sustainable development goal 4. Through simple random sampling<br />technique, 108 teachers were selected from the government and 108 from Punjab Education Foundation secondary schools. Data<br />were collected through a 5-point Likert scale on quality standards including: quality of management, teaching, infrastructure, school<br />climate, and co-curricular activities. Independent sample t-tests were used to check the difference between both types of school<br />systems. Government secondary schools were found to be better and follow maximum quality standards as compared to Punjab<br />Education Foundation schools. It is suggested that Punjab Education Foundation Secondary Schools should follow the<br />minimum quality standard set by the Punjab school minister to fulfill the vision of Goal No. 4 of Sustainable Development (SDG-<br />4) 2025 and enhance the quality of management, teachers, infrastructure, school climate, and co-curricular activities.</p>2024-01-01T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 PJE between Psychological Flexibility & Burnout among Research Student2024-03-25T07:14:06+05:00Anosha<p>The study investigates the relationship between psychological flexibility and burnout among MPhil research<br />students in Islamabad and Rawalpindi universities. Data from both genders (n = 166 males, n = 134 females) was collected<br />using purposive sampling technique. Psychological Flexibility Scale for University Students and Maslach Burnout Inventory<br />Student Survey measured study variables. Results indicate a negative correlation between psychological flexibility and<br />burnout, with competence positively correlated with psychological flexibility, while exhaustion and cynicism were<br />negatively correlated. Gender differences emerged, with males scoring higher on psychological flexibility and females on<br />burnout. Age showed no significant differences, but married participants scored higher on burnout, while unmarried scored<br />higher on psychological flexibility. Employed students had higher burnout, while unemployed scored higher on<br />psychological flexibility. Nuclear family background correlated with higher psychological flexibility and exhaustion. Social<br />science students scored higher on psychological flexibility and competence. Supervisor’s support correlated with increased<br />psychological flexibility, competence, and decreased exhaustion and cynicism, enhancing research students&#39; overall<br />well-being.</p>2024-05-03T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 PJE