<p>Pakistan Journal of Education is a biannual publication of Faculty of Education, Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, published since 1984. Articles published in the journal are selected on the basis of quality. Pakistan Journal of Education welcomes theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, book reviews. PJE is an open access peer reviewed research journal which provides a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews. Views expressed in the journal are those of authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Pakistan Journal of Education.</p>Department of Education, Allama Iqbal Open Universityen-USPJE1818-3344Effect of Behaviour Modification Strategies on Secondary School Students’ Classroom Misbehaviour
<p>Misbehaviour in the classroom disrupts students' attention and negatively affects the teaching-learning process. Every learner has certain needs, and when these needs are not met at a critical moment, students start acting up in class. The best way to deal with a disruptive student is to take preventative measures. A causal comparative research design was used to examine the effect of teaching strategies on students’ classroom misbehaviour and find out the difference between male and female students’ perception about the classroom misbehaviors at secondary school level. The sample of the study was 408 students, selected by randomly from 34 public secondary schools in district Lahore. A self-developed instrument was used for data collection. The findings of the study show that students engage in misbehaviour i.e. skipping class, sleeping in the classroom, blaming the teaching method and cheating in tests/examinations.Teachers used strategies to deal with student misbehavior, including hand slapping, hitting with sticks, bending and slapping, and calling students names. There is a significant difference between male and female students’ perception about misbehaviors. Punitive strategies have a significant effect on students’ misbehaviours. Instructional and advisory committees should be established in schools to advise teachers on the psychological needs of students. Teachers should be introduced to innovative teaching strategies to deal with student misbehaviour. Different new courses may be included in the curriculum of pre- service teacher training programs.</p>Shumaila AslamProf.Dr. Muhammad Shahid Farooq
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2024-09-202024-09-2041111810.30971/pje.v41i1.2187Holistic Development of Novice Educators: Insights from the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
<p>The present paper investigates the implementation of Stephen R. Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” framework with respect to the comprehensive development of novice educators. Although the literature related to teacher preparation is large, it lacks research on the holistic development of novice educators. This paper fills this gap by analyzing how Covey’s principles correlate with the needs of novice educators and contribute to their development as successful teachers. The research problem is the search for the most effective practices and strategies to incorporate Covey’s principles in the training and professional development programs of novice educators. Based on the usage of qualitative techniques, including thematic and content analysis, this paper explores the feasibility of the implementation of the Covey’s framework throughout multiple educational settings. Overall, findings indicate that Covey’s habits of high efficiency, proactivity, prioritization, collaboration, and the desire for self-improvement are beneficial for theteaching staff and help in the comprehensive development of novice educators. The author reflects on the potential uses of the study and finds that teacher training courses should include training in the skills and qualifications gained from the habits described in Covey’s book. Also, researchers are advised to choose other areas of investigation for training specialists in various fields to ensure thorough professional development of all workers.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>Fakhar-Ul-ZamanProf. Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Professor and Dean Faculty of Education, International Islamic University, IslamabadDr Muhammad Sher Baz Ali International Islamic University, Islamabad
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2024-09-202024-09-20411194410.30971/pje.v41i1.2241The Use of Facebook in Educational Communication among University Students: Determinants and Academic Achievement
<p><em>The increasing prevalence of social networking sites (SNS) in students' daily lives has prompted investigations into their tangible impact on academic contexts.</em> <em>This research delves into the intricacies of students' utilization of Facebook for educational communication and the subsequent impact on academic achievements. A cross-sectional survey, employing a customized questionnaire, was conducted among Facebook users across four universities in Karachi. Employing Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), the study rigorously examined the hypotheses embedded in the research model. The findings underscore that the adoption of Facebook for educational communication is significantly influenced by subjective norms and purposive value. Importantly, a positive correlation emerged between the use of Facebook for educational purposes and the perceived academic achievements of a diverse student cohort. These results yield valuable insights for higher education institutions and educators, highlighting the potential positive consequences associated with integrating Facebook into higher educational learning environments. Recognizing the pivotal role of social media in education, this research contributes to anuanced understanding of factors influencing students' engagement with Facebook and its implications for academic success in diverse university settings.</em></p>Nisha Kumari KumariSaima Jabeen
Copyright (c) 2024 PJE
2024-09-202024-09-20411456210.30971/pje.v41i1.1932Navigating the Classroom: Reflections on Teaching Practice
<p>The teaching practicum aims to address the transition of prospective teachers by providing them with an opportunity to apply their learning in a practical setting. The objective of this study is to investigate the experiences of prospective teachers during their teaching practicum. The sample for this qualitative research consisted of 16 prospective teachers in their final year of the program. Data collection was done through semi-structured interviews, where participants reflected on their experiences. The collected data was then transcribed. The validity of the interview instrument was ensured by experts in the field. The semi-structured interview questionnaire comprised of thirteen questions, focusing on six factors. The interview data was manually analyzed using thematic content analysis. Prospective teachers encountered challenges while working with individuals who displayed irritating, arrogant, inflexible, uncooperative, and rude behavior. The research findings also highlight the significance of lesson planning, effective classroom management, and assessment strategies. Additionally, the results shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of the participants. The study recommends that researchers engage in discussions about teaching practicum prior to its commencement, in order to enhance understanding and preparation.</p>Afshan Naseem Naseem
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2024-09-202024-09-20411638210.30971/pje.v41i1.1914Exploring the Role of Hidden Curriculum in Context of Promoting Citizenship Values at Elementary Level
<p>The present study is carried out to explore the Role of Hidden Curriculum in the context of Promoting Citizenship Values at elementary level in District Mardan. The main objective of the study was; to investigate the uses of hidden curriculum for development of citizenship values in primary level. The stratified random sample was applied for collection of data from respondents i.e. Primary Schools Heads and Primary Schools Teachers (PSTs). The sample of the study was composed up of 205 primary schools teachers and primary schools heads. The data was collected for quantitative research through five point likert scale. The questionnaire was consisted of 15 items. The items of the questionnaire were tested for validity and reliability by the research tools masters. The technique of Cronbach’s alpha was utilized for calculating reliability of the research tool. The calculated reliability was found 0.832. Major findings of the study showed that: students at primary level developed their citizenship values to maximum level. The learners at this vital learning stage have implicitly and explicitly displayed a good overall effect on their citizenship values. The results further stressed that hidden curriculum should be valuable attention and real practices for achievement of desired objectives.</p>Maksal MinazSajjad AliGhazala Naheed Baig
Copyright (c) 2024 PJE
2024-09-202024-09-20411839610.30971/pje.v41i1.1912Relationship between Perceived Parenting Styles and Personal Growth Initiative among Adolescents
<p>The current study investigates the relationship between perceived parenting styles and adolescent’s personal growth initiative. Data was collected from Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Participant’s age range was from 12 to 18 with both male (n = 116) and female (n = 184). Short Form of Egna Minnen Betriafenda Upfostron (EMBU) Urdu- version (Mazhar, 2020) and Personal Growth Initiative Scale - II (PGI- II) Urdu- version translated by Sadia Zaman (2018) were used for assessment. Perceived parental warmth exhibited significant positive correlated with personal growth initiative. Perceived parental rejection showed negative correlated with personal growth initiative. Personal growth initiative is not a gender based. The joint family system facilitated the utilization of resources for adolescents' growth. Adolescents from government institutions perceived more parental rejection and over- protection. Middle born participants perceived more parental rejection. Last born perceived parental emotional warmth and more opportunities to utilize resources. Education was positively correlated with parental emotional warmth and negatively correlated with parental over- protection. Age was negatively correlated with the perception of parental rejection and over- protection.</p> <p> </p>Sumbal Batool BatoolMona Khurshid
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