رحمت عالم ﷺ کی غیر مسلم محسنین کی احسان شناسی

The Prophetic Conduct of reverence with Non-Muslims


  • Dr.Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui Professor/Ex-president & Director of Islamic Studies, Shah Waliullah Research Cell, Muslim University, Aligarh India


The basis of reverence for Humanity on humanitarian grounds is not
only found in the Holy Quran but is also evident in the Seerah of the
Prophet peace be upon him. A study of his life and conduct with the
non-Muslims in this context has been carried out in this article. The
author examines the dimensions of the Prophetic Conduct based on
the humanitarian grounds with the non-Muslims and provides its
evidences from the life of the prophet. This aspect of the prophetic
model is not only analyzed in the Makkan or pre migration era but
the author provides ample evidences of it from the Madinian era. The
Prophetic Model of Conduct with the non-Muslims is again analyzed
in different scenarios such as war, peace, hospitality, and social
welfare, protection of the wealth, life and honor. The paper holds a
significance in the current scenario and provides sound grounds for
the basis of reverence for Humanity on humanitarian grounds from
the prophetic model ..




How to Cite

Dr.Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui. (2023). رحمت عالم ﷺ کی غیر مسلم محسنین کی احسان شناسی: The Prophetic Conduct of reverence with Non-Muslims . JSS, 3(3). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jss/article/view/563