JSS https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jss <p>Journal of Seerat Studies</p> Department of Seerat Studies, Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies, AIOU Islamabad en-US JSS 2520-3398 رسول اللہ ﷺ کی ریاست میں زراعت کو فروغ دینے کی حکمت عملی اور اس کے بنیادی اصول https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jss/article/view/1867 <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Upon setting foot in Yathrib, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ paid special attention to agriculture in accordance with the specific characteristics of the land of Yathrib to economically stabilize the Muslims. Yathrib and its surroundings were highly suitable for agriculture due to their land and climate. In terms of profession, the Prophet ﷺ and his family were connected to trade, initiating their economic life as traders. Similarly, the Meccan Quraysh's main occupation was trade, while the polytheists of Mecca considered agriculture the lowest profession. However, the Messenger of Allah did not consider any legitimate means of earning livelihood superior or inferior. Hence, after the migration to Medina, following establishing ties between the Muhajireen (migrants from Mecca) and the Ansar of Medina, who were already engaged in agriculture, the Prophet ﷺ commanded adopting agriculture for the betterment of their livelihoods.</p> <p>With the directive of the Prophet ﷺ, the Companions also began taking interest in agriculture. Before the arrival of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in Yathrib, some agricultural principles and regulations existed, which he did not outright reject but rather rectified. He eliminated only those transactions that involved usurious systems or deceitful dealings, establishing Sharia principles. After verifying the correctness of the agricultural system, he emphasized on promoting agriculture and structured practical wisdom based on certain principles. He granted people the right to personal and communal ownership. For the improvement of the economy, he not only commanded agriculture but also personally engaged in it practically. He cultivated some lands himself and allocated some for farming. He instructed people regarding agriculture and farming, establishing principles that would safeguard the rights of landowners and cultivators. Furthermore, he established institutions of endowment (waqf) and treasury (Bait al-Mal) for social benefits.</p> Mehmood Ahmad Khan Muhammad Sharif Copyright (c) 2023 JSS 2023-12-10 2023-12-10 8 08 سیرت نگاری میں ڈاکٹرمحمد یٰسین مظہر صدیقی کی تنقیدات(تصحیح ِروایات) کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jss/article/view/1658 <p>Dr. Yaseen Mazhar Siddiqui, is a well-known seerah writer and historian.&nbsp; He wrote many books and articles in this respect. In his writings, he has exposed the prevailing wrong ideas and theories related to the Prophet's biography. There are many incidents and cases which are very famous and true in generally but Dr. Yaseen proved them wrong through his research. He presented his arguments regarding incidents which seem very difficult to ignore or deny, because those arguments are so universal and common sense that even a common man is forced to accept them. In this article we are presenting analytical study of some of these incidents theories.</p> Iqra Khalid Dr. Syeda Sadia Copyright (c) 2023 JSS 2023-12-10 2023-12-10 8 08 عصر حاضر میں معاشی استحکام کی حکمت عملی:حالات ِپاکستان کے تناظر میں سیرت النبیﷺ کا انطباقی مطالعہ https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jss/article/view/1890 <p><strong><u>Abstract</u></strong></p> <p>Islam is a complete code of life &amp; Life style of Prophet (Uswah Rasool) covers all aspects of life from civilization and culture to economy and society. Undoubtedly, the guiding principles of every aspect of human affairs can be derived from the life of the Messenger of Allah.</p> <p>The significance of Sirat-ul-Nabi as a guide for economic stability and the role of religion in economic development are both examined in the study. A literature review, data collection, and analysis of primary and secondary sources are all included in the research design. According to the research, Sirat-ul-Nabi may be able to offer direction for Pakistan's economy. Based on Sirat-ul-Nabi, the study identifies key economic stability strategies, such as fostering social justice, supporting entrepreneurship, and emphasizing the value of ethical behavior in business. Discussions about the findings' implications for stakeholders and policymakers are included, along with ideas for further study.</p> <p>Overall, this study adds to the body of knowledge on the subject and sheds light on Sirat-ul-Nabi's potential as a manual for Pakistan's economic stability.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Pakistan, Economic Stability, Strategy, Religion, Business Ethics.</p> komal shehzadi Dr Hafiz Muhammad Hassan Copyright (c) 2024 JSS 2023-12-10 2023-12-10 8 08 The Theory of ''Global Islamic State'': A special study of Medinan Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH (A response to Hallaq's impossible state) https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jss/article/view/2092 <p>Considering the implementation of Islamic Sharia, Wael B. Hallaq claims that the concepts of the modern state and the Islamic state are incompatible. The primary cause of this is the inconsistency between their respective central domains. Colonialism is the primary reason behind the issues facing the Islamic states. Regarding these issues, it may be concurred with Hallaq. In a same vein, Hallaq's call for change and critique of the contemporary states may be endorsed. However, there are issues with these research's conclusions, ramifications, and suggested solutions. It is a fact that the emergence of a global Islamic state is becoming inevitable and that the rule of law is the only viable form. It is expected that analysts such as Hallaq won't be hesitated to acknowledge this possibility of Global Islamic State. There are two possible situations for being established a global Islamic state. The western scholars, in one perspective, will not hesitate to accept it, nevertheless, in another perspective, they too face a significant obstacle. Considering above facts, we have explored the potential for being establish a worldwide Islamic state in this paper.</p> Dr.Abdul Basit Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Copyright (c) 2023 JSS 2023-12-10 2023-12-10 8 08 سیرت رسول اللہﷺ کی اشتراکی تعبیرات: شرقاوی کی سیرت نگاری کا خصوصی مطالعہ https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jss/article/view/2083 <p>The Egyptian Revolution 1952 brought significant change in the intellectual and socio-political spheres of life of the country. The socialist’s ideas gained popularity among the liberalists, but the religious class remained cautious in accepting the socialist ideas and reforms. To create space for social reforms among the religious minded masses, the Socialist authors attempted to present the religion of Islam as a movement of social change and the Prophet Muhammad as a revolutionary leader who endeavored for social reforms. Abd al-Rahman Al-Sharqawi (d. 1987) was a well-known Egyptian socialist writer. He tried to portray the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as an exemplary human being who revolutionized the Arab society. This paper aims to analyze al-Sharqawi’s Sirah-writing <em>Muhammad Rasul al-Huriyya</em> (Muhammad- the Messenger of Freedom). Al-Sharqawi opined that there was a plethora of Sirah literature available regarding the life of the Prophet, his beliefs, miracles, and dogmas, whereas little attention had been paid to his human and social perspectives in Sirah-writing. Al-Sharqawi attempted to illustrate the social and humanistic values of the Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him- and how he brought freedom and harmony to human beings irrespective of their religious or racial affiliations. The present research appraises the extent to which the author successfully composed his Sirah through the application of Socialist terminologies.</p> Ghulam Fatima Copyright (c) 2023 JSS 2023-12-10 2023-12-10 8 08 عصر حاضر کےتعلیمی نظام میں اخلاقی بنیادوں کی تنفیذ اور سیرت النبی ﷺ سے راہنمائی:ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jss/article/view/1435 <p>Commencing with the command to read, Prophet Muḥammad (peace be upon him) was appointed to the position of a teacher. Excelling in this role, he was then designated as a messenger, tasked with acquiring and promoting knowledge. His approach to education and persistent efforts reflects that an important portion of his life was dedicated to the promotion and spreading of knowledge. Education remained supreme in his routine to form the foundations of his great revolution.</p> <p>The success of His educational revolution can be recognized, among other factors, to the fact that He rooted a lot of ethical values into the foundations of education and emphasized their promulgation. Islam considers knowledge not just the accumulation of information but a commitment to these ethical virtues also.</p> <p>Prophet (PBUH) forbade to hide the knowledge and declared the corruption in knowledge worse from the corruption in wealth. He advised to attain the required competency in the knowledge and discouraged the arrogance in education like every field of life. He stressed to be practical regarding the education and to get the beneficial knowledge forever. He taught to pray and focus on increasing the knowledge and to respect the mentors and teachers. He suggested to make the educational process as easy as can be and preached to adopt ethical and moral values in educational process.</p> <p>In the present era, where education has transformed into a routine and formal practice, failing to provide substantial benefits, ethical values, awareness and encouragement, these ethical and moral aspects of education have become extremely essential. Applying these ethical teachings can enhance the benefits derived from education within the current educational system. This article observes these ethical and moral teachings in the light of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) Seerah, teachings and examples through an analytical and comprehensive lens.</p> Dr. Syed Muhamad Tahir Shah Copyright (c) 2023 JSS 2023-12-10 2023-12-10 8 08