مکالمہ -شراہط،ضوابط،حدودو قیود سیرت کی روشنی میں


  • ڈاکٹر سید عزیرالرحمٰن


In ancient ages, there were generally two types of slavery; the
first shape was that status wise weak person was made prisoner by
the stronger people and after that he was made a slave and was
sold out. The second shape of slavery was of war prisoners. Islam
forbade the former shape and banned forever. However, the option of
second shape was kept open. Before the emergence of Islam, the
prisoners of war were treated tyrently. There was no option for them
except being killed or permanent slavery. But Islam, the religion of
mercy fixed rights of even slaves. Laws were made to mension their
social status and different options were offered for their freedom




How to Cite

ڈاکٹر سید عزیرالرحمٰن. (2024). مکالمہ -شراہط،ضوابط،حدودو قیود سیرت کی روشنی میں. JSS, 4(4). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jss/article/view/2031