Guidelines for Authors
Following are the guidelines for authors:
- First page of the article should contain title of the research paper with English Transliteration, author (s) full name (Arabic & English), university or research center, designation etc. 16, font size and be in the middle.
- Maximum number of authors per article is two.
- An article should consist of 12 to 20 pages, including references and 150 to 200 words English Abstract with Keywords.
- Research Contributions should be in MS Word. Font for Arabic is Traditional Arabic.
- Font size for title, headings for Arabic is 18 Bold, and for sub-headings 16 Bold, however, main body of text is 16 and for references font size is 13.
- The submission file is Microsoft Word and use single space.
- Please make the page setting of your word processor to A4 format (8.27x 11.69 inches); with the margins: bottom 3 cm (1.18 in) and top 3 cm (1.18 in), left 3 cm (1.18 in) and right 2.5 cm (1.47 in).
- References should be inserted as Endnotes and numbered consecutively and should follow the Chicago Manual Style.
- The article sent for publication is without plagiarism. The author must submit article along with similarity report and he/she will be legally responsible for any objection in this regard.
- JAR Research Journal strictly follows Plagiarism Policy as per guidelines of HEC. The Similarity Report on Turnitin should be below 20 percent.
- Articles that do not fulfill the instructions will be considered for publishing.
- The elements of article writing research results are: (1). Title, (2). Author’s Name, (3). Abstract (English) & Keywords, (4). Introduction, (5). Research Question, (6). Research Methods, (7). Results of Research, (8). Discussion, (9). Conclusions & Suggestions, (10). Bibliography.
- Soft copy of the article must be emailed on following Email: