صيغ الـمبالغة ودلالتها في سورة الأعراف (دراسة صرفية تطبيقية)

The Hyperbolical Forms in Surat al-Araf, an Indicative Statistical and Morphological Study


  • الدكتور محمد سرور الأستاذ المشارك، قسم الغة العربية، جامعة بهاءالدين زكريا، ملتان۔
  • کبریٰ بانو المدیرة المساعدة، للکلیات الحکومیة محافظة مظفرگڑھ۔


Surat al-Araf, Hyperbole, Measures, Linguistics, Morphology


This research deals with the hyperbole and its methods in Surat al-Araf of the Holy Quran in statistical, etymological and indicational study. The research is divided into two sections which attempt to study the related topic in this case.

The first section discusses hyperbole at its literal and conventional level, arbitrators and methods by the linguistics and eloquent. It also studies the hyperbole forms and its methods while brings the rules of hyperbole measures regular and irregular which are mentioned in Arabic language and attempts to discover the eloquence of structural diversity of pronunciations.

In the second section, it studies the measures of hyperbole linguistically and arithmetically in Surat al-Araf of the Holy Quran. It explains the difference in the real description of exaggeration measures according to the variance fundamental commentaries of the Holy Quran. In addition, it was relied on a lot of grammatical and conjugately Arabic references books.




How to Cite

الدكتور محمد سرور, & کبریٰ بانو. (2023). صيغ الـمبالغة ودلالتها في سورة الأعراف (دراسة صرفية تطبيقية): The Hyperbolical Forms in Surat al-Araf, an Indicative Statistical and Morphological Study. JAR, 4(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/737