A Comparative Study of Faculties Working on Tenure Track System and in Basic Pay Scales in Peshawar
Basic pay scales, assistant professors, higher education commission tenure track systemAbstract
The major intension of instant study was to evaluate performance of the
teachers who were recruited under Basic Pay Scale (BPS) and those who
were appointed on TTS. It is fresh project of the HEC with the objective to
attract fresh talent. Therefore, the population of the study embraced entire
teachers working in the universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Moreover,
entire Assistant Professors either working under BPS or TTS was selected
as sample of the study. Subsequently, a questionnaire comprising thirty
items on likert five point scales (one for the Assistant Professor appointed
under BPS and on TTS) was developed. Prior to administration,
validation was conducted .T-test was applied on the collected data. The
results of the study showed no difference between the performances of the
teachers appointed under BPS and TTS. Nevertheless the Assistant
Professors who were working on TTS were not satisfied with the safety
and constancy of their job. Moreover, both faculty members have
contemplated research and publication as cause of anxiety. Likewise,
Assistant Professor working on BPS was reluctant to convert to TTS.
Albeit, Assistant Professor working on TTS agreed that research motivate
and improve the relevant subject knowledge. However, result of the study
pinpointed that job security of TTS faculty must be corroborated and
obligatory modifications should be incorporated in TTS statutes so as
attract the faculty members who are presently working under BPS.
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