النسوية في الثقافة العربية(حفر في جينالوجيا المفهوم)

Feminism in Arab Culture (Dig into the Genealogy of the Concept


  • Errougui Soukaina Narrative and Cultural Forms Laboratory, Doctorate in literary, linguistic and cultural studies Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Béni Mellal


Key words: Topic of women ,Feminism, establish a cultural, conceptual approaches, misunderstood and confused, Arab culture.


Recently, we notice, and remarkably, increasing circles of interest in the topic of women, as we found ourselves dealing with approaches that emerged from the womb of several theories to compose about them, either creatively by including them and centering them in novels, the features of which we find in feminism in a deeper way, or critically,  In an attempt to establish a cultural theory that interests you.  Hence, many topics presented themselves to the surface, such as: gender, feminist cultural theories, and others.  But what is controversial is the intensity with which the trend towards the topic has increased - despite its age - which has led us to conceptual approaches, through which we look at feminism and feminism, which have always been misunderstood and confused.  From this basis, we will start from a basic problem: researching and digging into the concept adopted by Arab culture (feminism or femininity).  These are the ones that we will approach, dividing them into a set of questions,




How to Cite

Errougui Soukaina. (2023). النسوية في الثقافة العربية(حفر في جينالوجيا المفهوم): Feminism in Arab Culture (Dig into the Genealogy of the Concept. JAR, 6(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/1719