الصورة الشعرية في شعر بشارة الخوري"الأخطل الصغير": دراسة أسلوبية إحصائية للتركيب اللغوي نص "قلبٌ خافقٌ" نموذجا

Linguistic Structure of Imagery in A Beating Heart of Bishara El-Khouri:A Statistical Stylistic Study


  • رشا سمير غانم الجامعة الهاشمية- الأردن


Bishara El-Khouri’s poetry, Arab statistical stylistic, Al-Sheikh


This study aims to tackle the linguistic structure of the poetic image in Bishara El-Khouri’s poetry, revealing the patterns in which the images were formulated, based on the Arab statistical stylistic method which was suggested by Muslih Najjar, ,followed by a group of researchers. These studies contribute in turning studies on Imageries to a new scientific state, through using statistics, aiming to establish an Arab statistical stylistic method. These studies are meant to lead to stylistic equations that fit Arabic language.




How to Cite

رشا سمير غانم. (2023). الصورة الشعرية في شعر بشارة الخوري"الأخطل الصغير": دراسة أسلوبية إحصائية للتركيب اللغوي نص "قلبٌ خافقٌ" نموذجا: Linguistic Structure of Imagery in A Beating Heart of Bishara El-Khouri:A Statistical Stylistic Study. JAR, 5(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/712