المنهج القرآني في علاج الفساد الأخلاقي والمشاكل الحديثة في المجتمعات المعاصرة

Methodology of the noble Quran in the treatment of moral corruption and modern issues of Pakistani societies


  • Dr.Amjad Hayat Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Thought & Culture, National University of Modern Languages(NUML), Islamabad


Methodology, moral corruption, modern issues, treatment, Pakistani societies.


It is true that all human being are not innocent or free from sins like Angels, here is possibility of committing mistakes, deficiencies and sins from mankind. But now days there some extra ordinary deviation and corruption in human behavior and conduct approximately in all human societies and modern issues which is affecting all the dimensions of human life and society. And same is the case of Pakistani societies too in the above context which has bad impact individually and in society as well. So here we will discuss the causes of all such kinds of moral corruption and issues in the view of the instruction of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Messenger (Salla Allahu alaihe wassalam), and then we will discuss its treatment according to the methodology of the Quran and Sunnah. In addition, it is said: the moral of the holy Prophet is according to Quran, and the holy Prophet said: the purpose of my prophet hood is the completion of high morality.






How to Cite

Dr.Amjad Hayat. (2023). المنهج القرآني في علاج الفساد الأخلاقي والمشاكل الحديثة في المجتمعات المعاصرة: Methodology of the noble Quran in the treatment of moral corruption and modern issues of Pakistani societies. MEI, 22(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jmi/article/view/1993