Hafiz Tahir Journal Systems<p>Ma'arif-e-Islami</p>نفحات التنقیح فی شرح مشكاة المصابیح كے اسلوب و منہج كا جائزہ2024-09-05T06:54:46+05:00Dr.MuhammadAhmad<p>The research paper titled "A Review of the Style and Methodology of <em>Nafhat al-Tanqeeh</em>" explores the distinctive approach and methodology used in this detailed commentary on <em>Mishkat al-Masabih</em>, a prominent Hadith collection, by Maulana Salimullah Khan. The paper begins by highlighting the historical significance of <em>Mishkat al-Masabih</em>, which has been a part of the curriculum for centuries in the subcontinent, serving as a comprehensive compilation of the teachings and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).</p> <p>Maulana Salimullah Khan's commentary, <em>Nafhat al-Tanqeeh</em>, is rooted in his lifelong engagement with teaching <em>Mishkat</em>. The work is organized into six volumes, providing an in-depth exegesis of the Hadiths with a special focus on the linguistic, jurisprudential, and theological aspects. The commentary is known for its structured explanation of difficult topics, making them accessible to students and scholars alike.</p> <p>The research further delves into Khan's teaching style, which simplifies complex scholarly debates while maintaining accuracy. His ability to address conflicting views among various Islamic schools of thought, and his integration of Quranic evidence to support his explanations, are major highlights of his work. Additionally, the paper underscores the impact of <em>Nafhat al-Tanqeeh</em> on Islamic scholarship, emphasizing how it serves as a reference for both teachers and students in Hadith sciences.</p> <p>Key words: Hadith Collections ,Mishkat,Subcontinent,Sayings of HolyProphet.</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”.منتخب شروح سنن نسائی کا تعارف اور منہج و اسلوب 2024-09-01T05:21:29+05:00Dr Muhammad Waris<p><em>Sunan al-Nasāʼī </em>is the famous book of Hadith that is counted in the Books of Siha Sitta. Imam <em>al-Nasāʼī</em> compiled this book with the determination that there should be no Ḍaʻīf Hadith in it. That is why there are a few <a href="">Ḍaʻīf.</a>Hadiths in this book. He was also very committed to the practice of the correct word of Hadith. This book has been explained by different scholars in Arabic and urdu languages but this research article focuses to the selected two sharuh of <em>Sunan al-Nasāʼi</em> that are written in Urdu language. 1<sup>st</sup> <em>Sunan al-Nasāʼī </em>by Muhammad Liaqat Ridhwi and second Motarjam <em>Sunan al-Nasāʼī </em>by Hafiz Muhammad Amin. Both sharuh have been written in brief and to the point. Volumes of sharah Sunan Nisai six but <em>Sharḥ Sunan al-Nasāʼī </em>by Hafiz Muhammad Amin is in seven volumes. harah <em>Sunan al-Nasāʼī </em>by Hafiz Muhammad Amin was published in 2011 and the <em>Sharḥ Sunan al-Nasāʼī </em>by Liaqat Rizwi in 2015 by Shabir Brothers.</p> <p>Keywords: <em>Sunan al-Nasāʼī</em>, Imam Nisai, Sharuh, <em>Sharḥ Sunan al-Nasāʼī</em>, Liaqat Rizwi, Hafiz Amin</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2025 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”.شرحِ حدیث میں سنن ابوداؤ د کے مختلف نسخوں سے استفادہ (مولانا خلیل احمد سہارن پوری کی بذل المجہودکا خصوصی مطالعہ)2024-06-27T09:16:56+05:00Dr. Muhammad Haroondrharoonuos@gmail.comDr.Muhammad Feroz-ud-Din<p>Sunan Abu Dawood enjoys great popularity in the books of Hadith due to its reliability. As a result, scholars have written numerous commentaries on it, both among Arab scholars and those from the Indian subcontinent. One such notable figure from the subcontinent is Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri, who authored a detailed commentary titled "Badhl al-Majhud fi hall e Sunan Abi Dawud" spanning fourteen volumes. This work has been highly regarded by scholars of the Hanafi school of thought. This book has remained a focal point of attention for scholars due to its distinctive features. One notable characteristic of this book is that the esteemed authors critically examine various versions of the explanation during the commentary of Sunan Abi Dawood. Differences between versions sometimes affect the status of the Hadith, which they particularly address. In such cases, if reconciling different versions does not resolve the issue, they resort to utilizing narrations from other sources that closely resemble the Hadith in question.Sometimes, in the name of the narrator or in the commentary provided by Imam Abu Dawood at the end of the Hadith, there are variations in wording. Maulana Saharanpuri, while acknowledging the differences among versions, provides his commentary and expresses his opinion. In some versions, discrepancies are also found in the translation of chapter headings; a Hadith may appear under one chapter in one version and under a different chapter in another. In such cases, Maulana Saharanpuri clarifies the original position of the Hadith to determine which chapter's heading suits it best.</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”.علمِ حدیث میں علامہ انور شاہ کاشمیری کا منہج و استدلال (العرف الشذی کی روشنی میں) 2024-09-15T13:16:14+05:00Dr.Ahesan razaahsanraza6281@gmail.comDr. Umar<p>"The importance of the Prophetic word/ Hadith is an outstanding topic in Islamic studies being a basic source of Islamic teachings. In this way, the science of Hadith has its own significance and there is found a lot of excellent literature produced in this regard. Among the people who contributed in this field, the name of Anwar Shah Kashmiri is also included. He wrote a book entitled "العرف الشذی" in this regard, a unique one. In the following article, this book is focused analysing the methodology of argumentation of the author for the purpose of understanding the technicalities of the science of Hadith."</p> <p><strong>Key words:</strong> the Prophetic word, Islamic studies, Science of Hadith, Anwar Shah Kashmiri, العرف الشذی</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”.تكملةُ فتح الملهم بشرحِ صحيح مسلم: نُبذةٌ عن حياة مؤلفه، ومنهجه ، وميزاتِه و المقارنة بينه وبين فتح الملهم و الشروح الأخرٰى2024-09-14T11:29:44+05:00Amin<p>The Tradition (<em>Sunnah</em>) of the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) is the second source of Islamic text after the Holy Quran. It is both a theoretical elucidation and practical application of the Holy Quran as Allah mentions in the Quran, “(We sent them) with clear signs and scriptures. And We sent down the Reminder (The Qur’ān) to you, so that you explain to the people what has been revealed for them, and so that they may ponder.” [Quran 16:44].</p> <p>Allah, the Exalted, has prepared, in every time and place, men who serve the <em>Sunnah</em> in various ways, like preserving it, protecting it, refuting allegations against it, repelling doubts from it, categorizing its books, discussing its narrators, examining its chains of narrators, explaining its texts, propagating its call and message and teaching the truths of its creed, the secrets of its jurisprudence, the nobility of its morals and the beauty of its ethics.</p> <p>Scholars of the Indian subcontinent, which today includes India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, have contributed significantly to serving the <em>Sunnah</em>; in researching it, verifying the narrations, adding marginalia, explaining and spreading it.</p> <p>It is well-known and accepted by the scholars of this Ummah that the <em>Ṣaḥīḥ</em> or Imām Bukhārī and the <em>Ṣaḥīḥ</em> or Imām Muslim are among the greatest of the books of <em>Sunnah</em> and the most authentic of Islamic texts after the Quran. Each has advantageous attributes and special characteristics that the People of Knowledge and experts of <em>Ḥadīth</em> are aware of. The scholars of the <em>Sunnah</em> have served these two books as they have served other books. They have written commentaries that clarify that difficult texts and explain the ambiguities.</p> <p>Among the commentaries of <em>Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim</em> is <em>Fatḥ al-Mulhim bi Sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim</em> written by the erudite scholar, Shabbīr Aḥmad al-ʿUthmānī for whom Allah decreed the end of his life before he could complete this work. He was able to complete his commentary until The Book on Marriage (<em>Kitāb an-Nikāḥ</em>).</p> <p>A great scholar who comes from a family of people of knowledge and virtue (some of whom are descendants of others) was granted the honor of completing this work. That scholar was the jurist, the erudite, Shaykh Muḥammad Taqī al-ʿUthmānī son of the jurist, the erudite, Muftī Muḥammad Shafīʿ, may Allah have mercy on him, reward him abundantly and accept him among the pious.</p> <p>The Shaykh and Muftī has fulfilled the rights of these narrations, explained them comprehensively, included contemporary discussions and issues and provided solutions under the guiding light of the Pure Islamic Law. Moreover, he responded to criticisms that contemporaries had excused themselves from with undeniable proofs in clear and uncomplicated language.</p> <p>This discussion titled “<em>Takmilah Fatḥ al-Mulhim bi Sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim</em>: A Brief History of the Author’s Life, Methodology and Attributes and a Comparison between <em>Fatḥ al-Mulhim</em> and other Commentaries” aims to introduce this commentary and to mention a brief history of the life of the esteemed author, his methodology in his commentary, his attributes and to compare between this work with other commentaries on <em>Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim</em>.</p> <p>In the end, we pray to Allah that he accepts from the Muftī his beautiful efforts and that He rewards him knowledge, understanding and <em>Sunnah</em> the best of which is rewarded to honest scholars and that He makes us and him among those who learn then practice, practice then have sincerity and have sincerity then are accepted.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”.