MEI <p>Ma'arif-e-Islami</p> Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad en-US MEI 1992-8556 <h4>Authors who publish with Journal of Seerat Studies agree to the following terms:</h4> <p>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-SA 4.0) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.<br />Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.<br />Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.</p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p> عصر حاضر میں تحدیات کے تناظر میں نئی دعوتی تحریک کی ضرورت اور اس کے خدوخال: حضرت مجدد الف ثانی ؒکی مساعی اور افکار کی روشنی میں <p>The essence of Islam centers around Da'wah, which serves as its foundational element and a litmus test for the faith of its adherents. Although the chain of prophethood has ended, the societal requirements fulfilled by the earlier prophets persist. Therefore, it falls upon the entire ummah and a substantial portion thereof to take on the task of rectifying the shortcomings, imperfections, and deviations within the religion, as well as the responsibility of rejuvenating and revitalizing it. There are four distinct levels at which Da'wah operates within human society: a. Individually. b. Within organized groups or parties. c. Through the cultivation of a collective consciousness. d. At an official institutional level. Every member associated with the Sufi community in our region has assumed these roles according to their capacity as part of their association. The scope of their efforts extends from engaging with rulers to common citizens and encompasses all segments of society. In this context, the contributions of Hazrat Mujaddid al-Thani, Sheikh Ahmed Farooqui Sirhindi, in indopak hold significant importance. During a time when a new religion of Emperor Akbar was being promoted from official channels, Hazrat Mujaddid Sahib chose a different path. He initiated a quiet Da'wah movement, convincing authorities to reform their principles. His efforts extended beyond the official sphere, reaching the unofficial yet influential segments of society, including members of the empire and the monarchy. This article sheds light on the prevalence of irreligion during Hazrat Mujaddid Sahib's era and his steadfast resistance against it. It also delves into the contours of the new Da'wah movement within the context of his efforts. It addresses contemporary needs, our responsibilities, proposed action plans, and necessary precautions.</p> Dr. Syed Aziz Ur Rahman Dr. Muhammad Shahzad Shaikh Copyright (c) 2023 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”. 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 22 2 Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah Between Classical and Postmodern Periods: an Advanced Islamic Juridical Context <p>The study of <em>Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah</em> or the higher objectives of Islamic law and <em>maṣlaḥah </em>has attracted the attention of eminent scholars since the second-century <em>hijrī</em>. This work discusses what is <em>Maqāṣid</em> and <em>maṣlaḥah</em>? Who were the premodern as well as the postmodern scholars who focused on the <em>Maqāṣid</em> cum <em>maṣlaḥah</em>? Why the premodern jurists did not give a definition of the term, <em>Maqāṣid</em> <em>al-sharī‘ah</em>? What is the nature and structure of the <em>Maqāṣid</em>? What are the types of the <em>Maqāṣid</em>? Are there priorities within the <em>Maqāṣid</em>? Why are the <em>Maqāṣid</em> confined to five only? Can the scope of the <em>Maqāṣid</em> be broadened? What is the reason for expanding the essential five to include many others? The most noticeable works on <em>Maqāṣid</em> cum <em>maṣlaḥah</em> in premodern times is by Imam al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī, Muḥammad al-Ghazālī and Ibrāhīm b. Mūsā al-Shāṭibī. There are many scholars in the 20<sup>th</sup> and 21<sup>st</sup> centuries who focused on the <em>maqāṣid</em>. The most important work is by Ṭāhir b. ‘Āshūr. Scholars have focused on <em>maqāṣid</em> cum <em>maṣlaḥah</em> because these are considered as vehicles for change in the legal, social, political, and economic issues. Postmodern scholars have expanded the scope of the <em>Maqāṣid</em> to include, inter alia, justice, freedom, equality, and rights etc. &nbsp;</p> Prof. Dr. Muhammad Munir Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tayyeb Nadeem Copyright (c) 2023 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”. 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 22 2 سیرت النبی ﷺ کی روشنی میں ہماری معاشرتی ذمہ داریاں <p>This study thoroughly explores the profound significance of Prophet Muhammad's Seerah as a timeless guide for understanding and fulfilling contemporary social responsibilities. It employs a multidisciplinary approach to delve into various aspects of the Prophet's life, including his character and ethical principles. The Seerah emphasizes crucial values like compassion, justice, inclusivity, and empathy, essential for harmonious social relationships. It draws wisdom from the Prophet's interactions with diverse communities, commitment to addressing social inequalities, and roles as a mediator and statesman to offer insights for tackling modern challenges. The study also highlights the importance of education and moral development inspired by the Prophet's teachings and discusses the Seerah's relevance in promoting environmental sustainability and responsible citizenship. Ultimately, a deeper understanding of the Seerah can enhance individuals' and communities' commitment to contemporary social responsibilities, fostering a just and compassionate world.</p> Dr.Noor Hayat Khan Dr. Alam Khan Copyright (c) 2023 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”. 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 22 2 أساليب الدعوة للشيخ أبو الأعلى المودودي رحمه الله في تفسير تفهيم القرآن وخصائصه <p>Tafheem-ul-Quran is the combination of orthodox and modernist interpretation and has deeply influenced modern Islamic thought. It differs from traditional exegeses in several ways. It is more than a traditional commentary on the scripture as it contains discussions and debates regarding economics, sociology, history, and politics. In his text, Syed Abul A’la Maududi highlights Quranic perspective and argues that Islam provides ample guidance in all spheres. Syed Abul A’la Maududi uses the standard technique of providing an explanation of the Quranic verses from the Sunnah of Muhammed, including the historical reasons behind the verses. Tafhim-ul-Quran deals extensively with issues faced by the modern world in general and the Muslim community. And He did not believe in nationalism based on homeland, blood, language, or food, according to some customs of the Indian subcontinent, or the government, or other slogans that have no value to him. Rather, the concept of nationalism for him is based on religion. It is only Islam. Imam Mawdudi continued to spread the Islamic Dawah through his monthly magazine “Tarjuman al-Qur’an” his books, and lectures for more than eight years. He felt that quite a few new scholars and intellectuals were influenced by his Dawah, so he directed his Dawah to them to establish the Islamic group. And Imam Mawdudi called for the establishment of an Islamic state that derives its constitution from the Noble Qur’an and was subjected to a lot of harm to continue demanding the Islamic constitution and the application of Islamic Sharia. And there is no corner of it except that it is completely linked to Islam, for Islam is a complete system of life, and politics is one of the parts of this life.</p> Dr.Muhammad Hammad Dr. Tahir Siddique Copyright (c) 2023 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”. 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 22 2 Modern and Islamic Models of Teaching Instructions and Assessment Strategies in learning Objectives and Outcomes:In the light of Seerahut Nabi ﷺ <p>Education is a resolute activity, being administered to achieve certain aims. Imparting education includes mediating knowledge and fostering skills and character traits. Formal education takes place in educational institutions. It is usually structured by curricular aims and objectives and the learning is supervised by an educator. Models of teaching instruction include the principles, methods, and tools used by educators to enable students to comprehend knowledge. These strategies are acquired partly based on the subject matter to be taught and partly on the nature of the learner. For an appropriate and efficient teaching method, it must consider the nature of the learner, the nature of the subject matter, and the type of learning it is supposed to bring about. This research paper aims to highlight the above-mentioned objectives and how evolution in teaching methods took place in the ancient, medieval, nineteen, and twentieth centuries. It will also be explained how the latest teaching strategies can be used to improve the quality of education in the higher education sector. It will also be discussed how different teaching methodologies like lecturing, demonstrating, collaborating, classroom discussions, debriefing, and classroom action research can play a pivotal role in upgrading the educational domain in universities. Furthermore, it will be elaborated in this paper that Islam has thrown much emphasis on education and provides different strategies of educational methods in the Holy Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H which should be implemented to improve the quality of education and to achieve a state of the art capabilities.&nbsp; The Qualitative Archival Method will be used for the collection of data. Chicago Manual 2017 will opt for paper writing.</p> Dr Farhana Mehmood Zia ur Rehman Copyright (c) 2023 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”. 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 22 2 المنهج القرآني في علاج الفساد الأخلاقي والمشاكل الحديثة في المجتمعات المعاصرة <p>It is true that all human being are not innocent or free from sins like Angels, here is possibility of committing mistakes, deficiencies and sins from mankind. But now days there some extra ordinary deviation and corruption in human behavior and conduct approximately in all human societies and modern issues which is affecting all the dimensions of human life and society. And same is the case of Pakistani societies too in the above context which has bad impact individually and in society as well. So here we will discuss the causes of all such kinds of moral corruption and issues in the view of the instruction of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Messenger (Salla Allahu alaihe wassalam), and then we will discuss its treatment according to the methodology of the Quran and Sunnah. In addition, it is said: the moral of the holy Prophet is according to Quran, and the holy Prophet said: the purpose of my prophet hood is the completion of high morality.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dr.Amjad Hayat Copyright (c) 2023 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”. 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 22 2 مفتی سید محمد حسین نیلویؒ کے ترجمہ قرآن’’تبیین القرآن‘‘کےخصائص اورتفردات:تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p>To make the Holy Quran understandable for general public, the sub۔continent &nbsp;scholars translated the holy Quran in various languages.Shah Abduul Qader Dehlavi made the first idiomatic &nbsp;translation of the Holy Quran in urdu language.It is considered as a reference in translations,as the translators&nbsp; after him&nbsp; used this translation in their translations.His brother Shah Rafiuddin translated the Holy Quran&nbsp; adopting word by word approach.These both translations of the Holy Quran are commonly used by the scholars of tafseer&nbsp; and Quranic studies.</p> <p>In the twentieth &nbsp;century ,scholars focused on idiomatic translations.Later on&nbsp; another type of translation of the Quran,the exegetical &nbsp;translations,was also adopated. Maulana Ashraf Ali thanvi rendered the tafseeri translation of the holy Quran.Using this &nbsp;third approach in the later half of the twentieth century ,Maulana Mufti Sayyed &nbsp;&nbsp;Muhammah Husain nilvi translated the complete Quran ,published and revised the translation&nbsp; of the Quran.The salient feature of the translation is &nbsp;this translation is a coherent translation of the entire Quran.The subjects of all the verses are linked togather.The translation of each verse is intergrated&nbsp; in the light of the context.This translation is the first fully integrated&nbsp; interpretation and commentary translation in Pakistan ,in which the Quranic teachings are clarified without adding parentheses&nbsp; in the translation itself. Maulana Mufti Sayyed &nbsp;&nbsp;Muhammah Husain nilvi also considered other exegetical translations while translating the verses of the Holy Quran. Moreover&nbsp; he also addressed&nbsp; the questions that arise in the translation of the Quran,the objections of opponents of Islam to the Holy Quran and Islam have been also addressed shortly.</p> Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Dr.Hafiz Muhammad Zaheer Copyright (c) 2023 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”. 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 22 2 مغلیہ دورمیں وحدت ادیان کی اہم کاوشیں اور ان کے اثرات :ایک تحقیقی جائزہ <p>Soon after the arrival of Islam in India, it began emerging as a strong power through the work of Muslim Scholars and Sufis. To minimize its strength, various efforts were made by several Hindu reformers to either assimilate it with other regional religions or unify it with other religions to promote the so-called concept of “peace &amp; love for all”. These efforts gave rise to different religions and movements, most important of which are Sikhism and Bhakti Movement. Although they began with the benign objectives to weaken the power of Islam and assimilate it with other religions to prevent more conversions, with the passage of time the nature of these movements became clearly anti-Islamic and hostile. Similarly, the ideologies of Akbar and Dara Shikoh gave rise to Din-e-Ilahi and the un-Islamic concepts of unification of religions and peace &amp; love for all. The article in hand presents an overview of the propagators of these anti-Islamic efforts, their popularity and impacts on the Muslim society in India during the Mughal period. The aim is to provide a historical context of such movements and the efforts made by Muslim scholars to combat these insurgencies in order to provide guidance to the Muslims in the present era where print, electronic and social media have made false and misleading information very easily accessible to all. It can be witnessed even now that on these media the propagators of such concepts are derailing the people by saying that goodness and piety do not belong to any particular religion. Allah and Ram are the names of one personality and goal of life is the same irrespective of any religion.</p> Dr Nadia Alam ali akbar alazhari Copyright (c) 2023 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”. 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 22 2 Islamophobia: Annihilator of Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 A Critique of Western States’ Policies <p>Islamophobia in western states is increasing and their governments openly or otherwise responsible for it. Policies of the western states that forbid the Muslims from carrying out their religious practices provoke the non-Muslims to adopt anti-Islam and anti-Muslimism attitude, which moves them towards hate, bias and prejudice against Muslims. The growth of prejudice becomes a reason for violation of human rights such as right of life, right of dignity and respect, right of equality, right of protection and security and freedom to practice self-religion. All these are in fact damaging United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948. This article detects such Islamophobia and points out to direct and indirect endorsement of the western states governments for the growth of Islamophobia; the hate against Islam and Muslims. Further, the article establishes the linkage between Islamophobia and practical violations of human rights of Muslims. The article at the last, will critically analyze the western states’ policies with a slight touch of Islamic human rights teachings. It is hoped that the article will benefit the lawmakers and enforcement agencies to save their own societies.</p> <p><strong><u>Keywords:</u></strong> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Islamophobia, Hate, Bias, Prejudice, Human rights, Western States</p> Dr. Muhammad Anas Rizwan Dr. Usman Rafiq Copyright (c) 2023 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”. 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 22 2 مسلمانوں کی طبی خدمات اور عصری معنویت تحقیقی جائزہ <p>Where Islam has described teachings for the inner training of man, there are also instructions for his health and well being in Islamic teachings. That is why, when a disease is contracted, it has attracted towards treatment. There is a consistent body of Islamic teachings to protect the human body. Objectives There are guiding principles for the protection of the human body and human life in the Shari'ah. In the first period of Islam, medical guidance was found in the language of Prophethood. Then this field continued to develop in the era of the Prophet PBUH. This article is on "Medical services of Muslims in the era of the Prophet PBUH, a research review", in which the developments in the medical field in the era of the Prophet PBUH are mentioned. Initially, the literal meaning of the word medicine and its types are described. Along with this, the Quranic verses on medicine are also described. In modern times, where new diseases have affected the human body, the increasing number of Pathologists in different fields have fulfilled this need. Therefore, what were the medical services of Muslims in the era of the Prophet PBUH, in this article has been brought.</p> Muhammad Haroon Dr Muhammad Waris Ali Copyright (c) 2024 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”. 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 22 2 Recent Rise of Climate Change and Islamic Perspectives: A Research Review <p>Recent rise of climate change is a global challenge. It has become the biggest threat to the natural ecosystem of Earth, human life, and future generations. The latest climate reports of international panel on climate (IPCC) indicate that climate variations have sensitized the entire world. Therefore, it is essential to take preventive measures to reduce impact of climate change for protection of living beings and future generations on Earth. Power plants, fossil fuels, greenhouse gases, transportation, industrial revolution, non-renewable energy resources, and deforestation are main reasons of climate changes. Deforestation has augmented imbalance, disorder, global warming, climate change, air pollution and other ecological issues at local, regional and global level. Forests are considered lungs of the ecosystem. Religious ecological principles can play an effective role to eradicate ecological and climate changes. Islam is an eco-friendly religion. Islam provides complete guidance in every walk of life. This research study provides a comprehensive analysis of how Islam guides people in addressing and mitigating the global challenge of climate change. Islamic ecological precautions can play an exquisite role in minimizing impact of climate change on humane life. Global climate changes have affected Pakistan in form of unseasonal heavy rains, extreme flooding and drought. The main objective of this article is to provide an overview of climate change impact and its solutions in the light of Islamic perspectives.</p> Dr. Farhat Naseem Alvi Dr. Abdul Manan Cheema Copyright (c) 2023 For “Journal of Seerat Studies” to publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Seerat Studies”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Seerat Studies”. The Journal of Seerat Studies holds all the rights of publishing articles. Editorial Board of “Journal of Seerat Studies” does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusion drawn by the contributors to the “Journal of Seerat Studies”. 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 22 2