Evaluation of the Training Program for In-Service Teachers of Early Childhood Education Conducted by QAED in Punjab


  • Saima Malik UMT
  • Laila Khalid




Early Childhood Education (ECE), Head Teachers, Caregivers, Usefulness of ECE training, Advantages of ECE program


In-service teachers’ training programs are of serene significance for the capacity building of Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an in-service teachers’ training program imparted by Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED), School Education Department, Govt. of Punjab, Pakistan.  Six ECE headteachers and six teachers from Punjab's rural and urban districts were selected through a convenient sampling technique. Semi-Structured protocol was developed and validated by five experts in the field. The respondents were questioned about how they implemented early childhood education (ECE) in their respective schools, including the infrastructure for ECE, the benefits of the ECE program in public schools, the value of providing in-service training to head teachers and ECE teachers, and recommendations for how to make the current program better. The data from the interviews was obtained using thematic analysis. The study's conclusions brought to light a number of issues, including a lack of funding, a continuous program for training teachers, ongoing caregiver hiring, a deficiency of rooms and staff, an ongoing monitoring system, and provision of an ECE kit. This study is captivating since it investigates the viewpoints of headteachers and teachers in Punjab's urban and ruler areas. The results have significant implications for how the Punjab government's school education department (QAED) and policymakers should evaluate the current state of early childhood education in the province. The results of this study will motivate researchers to carry out additional research of this type and inspire legislators to create laws that will assist ECE programs in strengthening or changing their present practices.


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How to Cite

Saima Malik, & Laila Khalid. (2023). Evaluation of the Training Program for In-Service Teachers of Early Childhood Education Conducted by QAED in Punjab. JECCE, 7(2), 33–54. https://doi.org/10.30971/jecce.v7i2.1886


