Relationship between Digital Leadership Competencies and Teachers’ Performance: Structural Equation Model Analysis


  • Haq Nawaz
  • Muhammad Naveed Jabbar
  • Farah Qadir Malik



Digital leadership competencies, PLS-SEM analysis, Teachers’ performance


Leadership competencies contribute to the ability of teachers to perform successfully and efficiently in the modern technology era. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between digital leadership competencies and teachers’ performance. The study was correctional following the cross-sectional survey method. The sample of the study consisted of 273 social sciences teaching faculty members of Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad and Virtual University of Pakistan selected through a simple random sampling technique. The reliability of the instruments; digital leadership competencies and teachers’ performance were confirmed by calculating Cronbach’s Alpha score; .969 and .936 respectively. After ensuring ethical considerations from participants, the data were collected by administering the Six E-Competencies model of Roman et al., (2019) consisting of 18-items and Goodman and Svyantek (1999) Teachers’ Performance (TP) scale comprised of 15-items mode of 7-points Likert responses. Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling [PLS-SEM] was computed to analyze the proposed hypotheses in this study while the measurement model and structural model were assessed. The findings of the study showed a significant correlation between digital leadership competencies and teachers’ performance. The study helps to enhance the performance of university teachers through the support of digital leadership by using modern technology tool




How to Cite

Haq Nawaz, Muhammad Naveed Jabbar, & Farah Qadir Malik. (2023). Relationship between Digital Leadership Competencies and Teachers’ Performance: Structural Equation Model Analysis. PJDOL, 9(2).


