For Authors

 The Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Allama Iqbal Open University, welcomes you to  publish your scholarly and high quality resaerch in our peer reviewed journal related to various disciplines of  social sciences and humanities. The journals provides an excellent  platform for the publication of the most advanced research in the areas of sociology, economics, history, Pakistan Studies, commerce, mass communication, business administartion, gender and women studies, linguistics and literature. The journal  welcomes original, authentic and  empirical investigations contributing to existing field of knowledge.  The authors are requested to follow these guidelines while finalising their submissions


  • Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages and must conform to the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA 7th edition).
  • Author’s name(s), should be given above the abstract with asterisk signs and their affiliations, address/email must be given in footnote (after abstract and keywords) on the same page.
  • The Abstract must not contain more than  200- 250 words.
  • The manuscript should consist of 4000-8000 words.
  • The authors are requested to check the article thoroughly with spellings, figures, and illustrations, etc., before sending for publication. Incomplete articles will not be entertained.
  • The research papers are accepted for publication on the assumptions that they have not been published earlier and are not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Research papers/articles must be the product of original scholarly efforts including introduction, literature review, methodology,  data analysis and conclusion.
  • Contribute something new to the existing field of knowledge.
  • The maximum number of authors for an article should not be more than three.
  • Authors should be clearly specified as
    • main/corresponding author
    • co-author, and/or
    • Supporting author.
  • Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least three  editors/reviewers. This process normally takes 6-12 months.
  • After approval,  the authors will be responsible to revise within a specific time and incorporate any further changes, if required


Research articles should present innovative research that clearly addresses selected hypothesis or question. A research article should be divided into the following sections:

  1. Title Page
  2. Introduction
  3. Literature Review
  4. Methodology
  5. Results and Discussion
  6. Conclusions
  7. Acknowledgment (if any)
  8. References