Conquest of Constantinople May 29, 1453: Evolution of Islamic Civilization


  • Abdul Basit Mujahid, Abdul Zahoor Khan


Eastern Roman Empire, Constantinople, Conquest, Mehed II, Middle Ages, Consolidation


Many empires and rulers had envisioned the conquest of Constantinople.
Muslim empires such as Arabs and Ottomans had started series of campaigns
to establish political power over the capital city of Eastern Roman Empire.
Many historical accounts and travel logs have been written down about
Constantinople throughout centuries in various parts of world. Ottomans
historical literature provided extensive knowledge about causes and policies
of Muslim Turks for the conquest of Constantinople. This Muslim dream of the
conquest of Constantinople reached its climax with the growth of the
Ottoman Turks, realized by Mehmed II (r.1444-1446/1451-1480) who was an
extraordinary military man with expert skills. Sultan Mehmed II was the
seventh ruler of Ottoman Empire, son of Sultan Murad II. He was born on 30th
March 1432 in Edirne. He became sultan twice, first at the age of twelve for a
short time (1444-1446) when his father abandoned the politics of court. After
his father died he became the ruler in February 1451. On 29th May 1453, after
fifty-three days of siege and warfare techniques, the Ottomans conquered
Constantinople. Due to his success at the age of twenty-one in the conquest of
Constantinople, he was known as Mehmed the Conqueror/ Mehmed al fatih.
He fought many other wars and consolidated the Ottoman Empire. Sultan
Mehmed II died on 3rd May 1481 at the age of forty-nine. The conquest of
Constantinople marked the end of the Middle Ages in Europe.


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How to Cite

Abdul Basit Mujahid, Abdul Zahoor Khan. (2023). Conquest of Constantinople May 29, 1453: Evolution of Islamic Civilization. JSSH, 28(1). Retrieved from


