In-vitro evaluation of antifungal potential of some fungal bio-agents against different Alternaria species
Alternaria species, Bio-agents, Kharif vagetables, Leaf spot and fruit rotAbstract
Biological control is always being encouraged to manage several plant pathogens for eco-friendly
management. The aim of the current manuscript was to evaluate antifungal potential of some fungal bio-agents
(BCAs) against different Alternaria species (Alternaria tenuissima, Alternaria solani and Alternaria alternata)
isolated from major Kharif vegetables viz chilli, tomato and eggplant, respectively. The in-vitro antifungal potential
of different BCAs revealed significantly (P < 0.05 = 0.0000) highest efficacy percent over control against A.
solani of tomato fruit rot with T. viride (54.99%) followed by Paecilomyces sp. (53.33%), T. hamatum (44.98%) and
T. harzianum (31.12%), whereas the lowest efficacy percent was observed with Penicillium sp. (3.37%) when
tested with a dual culture methods. In a volatile method, significantly highest efficacy percent was noticed wit
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