Call for Papers

Journal of Pure and Applied Agriculture

(J Pure Appl Agric)

Call for Papers

Volume 9, Issue 1 (2024) of Journal of Pure and Applied Agriculture (JPAA) is under review process and will be published soon; you are invited to send your articles for possible publication in JPAA Volume 9, Issue 2 (2024). JPAA is a blind peer-reviewed journal of the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan. This biannual journal is an open access and publishes high-quality empirical research and review articles with no publication charges in all the fields of agriculture, both in online and printed versions.

Areas of Interest:
The journal covers the following areas:

Agronomy Livestock Management
Agriculture Engineering Medicinal Plants
Agriculture Extension Plant Biochemistry
Bioinformatics Plant Biotechnology
Biotic and Abiotic Stresses Plant Breeding and Genetics
Crop Physiology Plant Molecular Biology
Entomology Plant Pathology
Food Safety Plant-soil Relationships
Food Science and Technology Plant Tissue Culture
Forestry and Forestry Extension Precision Farming
Horticulture Rural Development via Agriculture
Irrigation and Drainage Soil Science

We, therefore, invite the authors to submit valuable articles of your research and reviews for our upcoming Issue 2, Volume 9 (2024) by 15th August, 2024.

The articles can be submitted electronically on website Author guidelines are available on the website of the journal ( The authors are requested to prepare their manuscripts according to “Author Guidelines” and “Published Articles” available in the link “CURRENT ISSUE”

Dr. Sabir Hussain Shah

Editor, Journal of Pure and Applied Agriculture
Department of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Sciences
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Office: +92-51-9575476
