1. CAS A division of the American Chemical Society
2. CAB Abstracts database
3. Global Health Database
4. AgBiotechNet
5. Crop Science Database
6. Forest Science Database
7. Horticultural Science Database
8. Nutrition and Food Sciences Database
9. Parasitology Database
10. Soil Science Database
11. CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International)
12. Scientific Indexing Services (SIS)
13. Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD)
14. Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI)
15. Google Scholar Citations
16. Academic Resource Index
17. Google Scholar
18. ICI Journals Master List
19. Trove National Library of Australia
20. Electronic Journals Library
21. Academic Resource Index
22. University Library of Regensburg
23. Publons
24. J-Gate
25. OCLC WorldCat
26. IPIndexing
27. Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan