الوضع الحالي لتعلیم اللغة العربیة في أفغانستان(جامعتي تخار وبدخشان نموذجًا)

The Current Situation of Arabic Language Learning in Afghanistan (Takhar and Badakhshan Universities as Sample)


  • د۔ الدكتور شريف الله غفوري الأستاذ المعید بقسم اللغة العربیة في کلیة اللغات والآداب / جامعة تخار، أفغانستان.


Arabic Language has high status for Afghan people. The first reason is that it has firm connection with Islamic culture. The second reason is that it has enriched the Afghan local languages such as Dari, Pashto and Uzbek.  On the other hand, the value and high status of Arabic language in Afghanistan is profoundly rooted in Islamic affection of Afghans toward their prophet Excellency Mohmmad (peace be upon him) and their faith. Also, the learning of Arabic language is common in Afghanistan because of their religious eagerness. Therefore, learning of Arabic language has got many learners like native languages in Afghanistan. In addition, Arabic words usage in Afghanistan is in a considerable level that has caused establishment of religious schools and remarkable influence on literature of Afghans. Although the need for Arabic language teaching materials is not like modern sciences, but the usage of its materials in educational settings across the world has had its own drastic effect. Therefore, the old teaching methods of Arabic language need to be repaired and enhanced.




How to Cite

د۔ الدكتور شريف الله غفوري. (2023). الوضع الحالي لتعلیم اللغة العربیة في أفغانستان(جامعتي تخار وبدخشان نموذجًا): The Current Situation of Arabic Language Learning in Afghanistan (Takhar and Badakhshan Universities as Sample). JAR, 2(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/807


