شواهد القرآنیة و الشعریة فی معجم ’’جمهرة اللغة‘‘ فی ضوء التفاسیر العربیة

The Quranic and Poetic proof in the dictionary ‘‘Jamharat – u – llugah’’ in the light of Arabic Tafasirs


  • محمد رفیق طالب الدکتوراه بقسم اللغة العربیة بجامعة بهاء الدین زکریا ملتان
  • د۔ حافظ محمد سرور الأستاذ المشارك بقسم اللغة العربیة بجامعة بهاء الدین زکریا ملتان


Poetic citation, lexicon studies, Jamharat – u – llugah


The Quranic and Poetic citation proof is considered one of the essential topics in lexicon studies because the lexical meaning of a particular lexeme is multifold and open-ended, and its connotation would be identified precisely if it is associated with a particular context. The researcher tries to arrive at the nature of these poetic and Quranic demonstrations through scrutinizing and describing those mentioned in Ibn -e- Duraid’s “Jamharat – u – llugah” and by investigating the differences among sources, by relating them to other quotations, and by explaining their popularity and their value in accomplishing Bin Duraid’s objective in representing a particular dialect or language, and in dealing with various linguistic issues in the light of Arabic Tafasirs.




How to Cite

محمد رفیق, & د۔ حافظ محمد سرور. (2023). شواهد القرآنیة و الشعریة فی معجم ’’جمهرة اللغة‘‘ فی ضوء التفاسیر العربیة: The Quranic and Poetic proof in the dictionary ‘‘Jamharat – u – llugah’’ in the light of Arabic Tafasirs. JAR, 4(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/763