الشیخ محمد حسن و خدماته في نشراللغة العربیة في باکستان

Muhammad Hassan’s and its contribution in spreading the Arabic Language in Pakistan


  • الدکتور افتخار احمد خان استاذ مساعد قسم اللغة العربیة، جامعة الکلیة الحکومیة، فیصل آباد
  • الدکتورة عمرانه شهزادی استاذة مساعدة، قسم اللغة العربیة، جامعة الکلیة الحکومیة للبنات، فیصل آباد


Muhammad Hassan, Amratsar, Rawalpindi, Al-ubab, Alluma, Great Scholar, Baloog-ul-Aarib, Criticism


This research entitled" الشیخ محمد حسن و خدماته في نشراللغة  العربیة، في باکستان " deals with the contributions of Dr. Muhamamd Hassan in spreading Arabic Language and Literature. He was born in the city Amratsar in India in 1904 and died in 1999 in Rawalpindi. He was not only a teacher but he was also a for sighted great scholar and poet in the field of Arabic Language and Literature. He is the author of a lot of books in the field of editing the manuscripts and translation. Al-ubab is the master piece in editing the manuscript, Alluma and Baloog-ul-Aarib is one of the best in the field of translation & criticism."




How to Cite

الدکتور افتخار احمد خان, & الدکتورة عمرانه شهزادی. (2023). الشیخ محمد حسن و خدماته في نشراللغة العربیة في باکستان: Muhammad Hassan’s and its contribution in spreading the Arabic Language in Pakistan. JAR, 4(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/758