أثر القرآن الکریم فی شعر الإمام الشافعي ؒ

Impact of the Quran on Poetry of Imam Al-Shafi’i


  • عبدالحمید باحث الدکتوراه في قسم اللغة العربیة ‘بجامعة بهاء الدین زکریا ملتان
  • الاستاذ الدکتور محمد أبو ذر خلیل الأستاذ بقسم اللغة العربیة، بجامعة بها ء الدین زکریاملتان


Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Idris al-Shafi’i was born August 28,767 AD/150AH Gaza Palestine and died January 20,820AD and was buried in Imam Shafi’i Mosque fustat-Egypt. He had three children Fatima bint Alshafi’i, Zeinab bint Alshafi’i and Muhammad Alshafi’i.

He was an Arab Muslim theologian, writer and Islamic scholar Imam Shafi’i was not only a great scholar but also a leader of school of thought. He is counted amongst the fewest scholars who composed remarkable poetry also. There in not only significant impact of fiqh and hadith in his poetry but also the holy Quran quit prominent in it. In our studies we shall highlight the quranic influence in his poetry.




How to Cite

عبدالحمید, & الاستاذ الدکتور محمد أبو ذر خلیل. (2023). أثر القرآن الکریم فی شعر الإمام الشافعي ؒ: Impact of the Quran on Poetry of Imam Al-Shafi’i. JAR, 4(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/739