"فنون الأدب لدى الدكتور محمد مندور والدكتور عز الدين إسماعيل" (دراسة موازنة بين كتابيما " الأدب وفنونه")

"Literature Arts of Dr. Muhammad Mandour And Dr. Izz al-Din Ismail"(A balancing study between their books “Literature and its Arts")


  • بشرى ياسمين هاشمي الباحثة المشاركة في التدريس بكلية اللغة العربية الجامعة الاسلامية العالمية اسلام آباد
  • حفصة فيض عثماني باحثة في مرحلة الدكتوراه في الجامعة الاسلامية العالمية


Literature, Arts, Poetry, Prose, Dr. Mandor, Dr. Ezzedine


Praise be to Allah, who taught us literature, praised him for what was first and bestowed, and may Allah bless his family and companions and peace be upon him, and:

The Literature, the art of language, has always felt the need to include various forms of discourse, the arts, and races, and there have been extensive and serious studies on the arts of literature and its various branches, addressed from their historical, descriptive, and artistic aspects with their psychological and social analyses, so that it can be said that they covered a wide area in the literary and monetary markets, so the pen race in these studies, but God Almighty destined the two books wide acceptance in the recent times, among the community of scholars and those interested in the arts of literature.

This research aims to study the approach of the two authors, namely: the distinguished critic Dr. Mohamed Mandour, may God have mercy on him, and the critic who combined the discretion of the critic and the creativity of the poet Dr. Izz al-Din Ismail, but the research will be limited to their books entitled " Literature and its Arts."

The research includes the preface and three sections.

The preface provides an overview of the life of the critics and the factors of their personality, their most prominent writings, and the importance of their presence in the literary and critical arenas.

While the first section deals with a comprehensive presentation of the book Izz al-Din Ismail, and its division of the literary arts by summarizing the book, trying to highlight its most important advantages and features, and explaining aspects of its critical and literary ideas and opinions, and the second section deals with talking about Dr. Muhammad Mandour's book in all these aspects that were dealt with in the first section.

As for the third topic, the research may reach some advantages in which the two prominent critics are agree in their authors, and some others in which the critics disagree, the research mentioned the aspects of agreement and similarity, and the differences to the areas of disagreement, for the establishment of the budget.

I ask the Almighty God that I have succeeded to what I aimed for with God's help and mercy, and if I miss, then perfection is for God.




How to Cite

بشرى ياسمين هاشمي, & حفصة فيض عثماني. (2023). "فنون الأدب لدى الدكتور محمد مندور والدكتور عز الدين إسماعيل" (دراسة موازنة بين كتابيما " الأدب وفنونه"): "Literature Arts of Dr. Muhammad Mandour And Dr. Izz al-Din Ismail"(A balancing study between their books “Literature and its Arts"). JAR, 5(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/718