العلامة نور بخش التوكلي شارحا للقصيدة البردة

Allama Noor Baksh Tawkuli as a Commentator of Qaseeda Burda


  • ساجده نسرين باحثة بمرحلة الدكتوراه ، جامعة كلية الحكومية بفيصل آباد
  • د.افتخار أحمد أستاذ مساعد ،قسم اللغة العربية ، جامعة كلية الحكومية بفيصل آباد


Noor Baksh Tawakuli, Commentator, Qaseeda Burdha, Bouseeri, Methodologica, Stylistic, Charateristic, Al-Umdha, Sharh-Ul-Al burda


Allama Noor Baksh Tawakuli (1886-1948) is one of those scholar and literary personalities who played an important, vital and dynamic role in the field of Arabic and Islamic literature in Subcontinent. He is an author of many books. This article entitled “Allama Noor Baksh Tawakuli as a Commentator of Qaseeda Burda by Bouseeri”. He wrote two commentaries of the said Qaseeda in Arabic and Urdu languages. This paper also provides methodical and stylistic characteristics of Al-Umdha and Sharh-U-Al burda by Noor Baksh Tawakuli. He relies and depends on original and basic sources in rhetoric, grammar and literature of Arabic, Urdu and Persian languages. His approach is characterized by freedom of opinion and comprehensiveness. This article is divided into five parts.

Short preface

Introduction to the writer

Introduction to the commentaries

Methodological and stylistic beauties

Results and recommendations

In Short, these commentaries are consist of a lot of artistic, literary and technical beauties. It shows the knowledge and level of the writer in this field.




How to Cite

ساجده نسرين, & د.افتخار أحمد. (2023). العلامة نور بخش التوكلي شارحا للقصيدة البردة: Allama Noor Baksh Tawkuli as a Commentator of Qaseeda Burda. JAR, 5(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/717