الفروسية في الشعر بين العصر الجاهلي والإسلامي(دراسة موازنة)

Horsemanship in Poetry between Pre Islamic and Islamic Era


  • Dr Bakht Zubair Lecturer, Department of Arabic, Islamia College University
  • Inam Ur Rehman PhD Scholar, Department of Islamiyat, University of Peshawar




One of the best qualities that characterized the Arabs before and after Islam was the quality of horse riding. Horse riding was one of the most noble qualities that distinguished the Arabs among the people, and Islam encouraged it after its advent. It is one of the praiseworthy qualities that the Arabs, who were famous in the past for their strength, courage, and steadfastness in all crises and circumstances they faced, persisted in. With horsemanship and courage, they defended the weak and everyone who wanted protection, in addition to their appearance on the fields of battle, fighting, and defending souls and honour. Horse riding is closely linked to courage, and it was not limited to men and not women. Many of their famous women were characterized by Horse riding, and because of the status of horse riding among them, their poems, poems, sayings, and proverbs abounded. They also appreciated personalities who had stories and heroism in courage and horsemanship. Therefore, this study comes to shed light on horse riding and its causes and motivations in ancient Arabic poetry (pre-Islamic and Islamic).




How to Cite

Dr Bakht Zubair, & Inam Ur Rehman. (2024). الفروسية في الشعر بين العصر الجاهلي والإسلامي(دراسة موازنة): Horsemanship in Poetry between Pre Islamic and Islamic Era. JAR, 6(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/2121