تحليل نظام الازمنة و الزمن في اللغة العربية والإنجلیزیة (دراسة تقابلية)

The Analysis Semantics of Tense and Time in Arabic and English: A Contrastive Study


  • عبدالرزاق باحث الدکتوراة فی اللغة العربیة و آدابها جامعة بهاء الدین زکریا ملتان
  • الدکتور عمار حيدر زیدي(المرسل) الاستاذ المشارك فی قسم اللغة العربیة جامعة بهاء الدین زکریا ملتان


Mu’allaqat, Arab Odeseloquent formation, grammatical styles


This study explores tenses and time at the morphological and semantic levels in both Arabic and English. It aims at showing the similarities and differences between the two languages in terms of the forms that refer to the different times: past, present, and future. The study also gives details of the markers that add time reference to these forms. Moreover, it shows how Arabic can express time by using different forms that include not only verbs, but also nouns and letters, thereby, contesting the claims that accuse Arabic of being poor in this area.

Time is one of the most important levers in the formation of the verb in Arabic language. It occupies a prominent place in the linguistic studies. On this basis, this research is conducted, which is entitled “morphological and grammatical time of the verb in Arabic language”. This research deals with a linguistic issue which is of a great importance.

Key Words: Tenses, Time , Arabic, English ,Comparative, Study


The Mu’allaqat are among the most famous Arab Odes, and they are the most wonderful and most beautiful of what was said in ancient Arabic poetry. It is said that these poems were written with gold water and hung on the curtains of the Kaaba before the advent of Islam. The Arabic poetry did not reach what it reached in the era of the mu’allaqat, in terms of the eloquent formation of language, music, culture and morals. The oath style is among the grammatical styles to emphasize and strengthen the meaning that have been popular in the Arabic language since the pre-Islamic era in poetry and prose, and which continue to occupy a great place in language throughout the ages. Accordingly, this article, entitled "The style of the oath and its patterns in the ten pendants (Grammatical statistical study)", comprises of three chapters and findings, enlightens the importance of oath style in ten pendants.




How to Cite

عبدالرزاق, & الدکتور عمار حيدر زیدي(المرسل). (2022). تحليل نظام الازمنة و الزمن في اللغة العربية والإنجلیزیة (دراسة تقابلية): The Analysis Semantics of Tense and Time in Arabic and English: A Contrastive Study. JAR, 5(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/835