الروايـــة العربية.. متابعـات لصورة الأنا والآخر في أبعاد التشاكل والتثاقف

The Arab Novel: Follow-ups to the Image of te self ane the other in the Dimensions of Farmation and Acculturation


  • أ.د. محمد حجازي كلية الآداب والفنون – جامعة باتنة – الجزائر
  • د.هناء أبو زينب كلية التربية – جامعة البحر الأحمر- السودان


origins, the Arabic novel, modern novel


This study aims to reveal the origins of the Arabic novel while highlighting the history of this novel and its relationship to the modern novel, in addition to explaining how the Arab novel deals with its cultural and historical heritage. The study used the descriptive analytical method, and reached important results, including: The Arab novel represents a historical extension of ancient Arab prose writings on the one hand, and an extension of the Western novel in its current form on the other hand, without falling into the trap of identifying with the old, and maintaining clear differences from it.




How to Cite

أ.د. محمد حجازي, & د.هناء أبو زينب. (2023). الروايـــة العربية. متابعـات لصورة الأنا والآخر في أبعاد التشاكل والتثاقف: The Arab Novel: Follow-ups to the Image of te self ane the other in the Dimensions of Farmation and Acculturation. JAR, 2(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/815


