الشعراء الصعاليك وأهمية مصادرهم في التراث

Vagrant Poets, & the Importance of their Sources in Literary Legacy


  • زين العابدين أستاذ محاضر بقسم اللغة العربية، وباحث في مرحلة الدكتوراه، الجامعة الوطنية للغات الحديثة، إسلام اباد.
  • د.كفايت الله الهمداني رئيس قسم اللغة العربية، الجامعة الوطنية للغات الحديثة، إسلام اباد.


Pre-Islamic Era, Vagrant Poets, Literary Legacy, Sources


Vagrant (Sa,alik)  is a name given to a group of Arabs in the Pre-Islamic era, who lived and launched their movement in the Arabian Peninsula. They belong to different tribes and were expelled from their tribes or left their tribe on their own will. Most of the members of this group were glorious poets and their poems were considered as a model in Arabic poetry. Their poetry is distinguished by courage, patience, strength, determination and spirit. Although they faced poverty, hunger and deprivation, but still they were optimists and positive thinkers. This article throws light on the complete history of these tramps’ poets, their emergence, importance of their poetry in the Arabic literary heritage.




How to Cite

زين العابدين, & د.كفايت الله الهمداني. (2023). الشعراء الصعاليك وأهمية مصادرهم في التراث: Vagrant Poets, & the Importance of their Sources in Literary Legacy. JAR, 3(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/797