الأغراض المتشابهة في أشعار نازك الملائكة وبروين شاكر(دراسة مقارنة)

The Similar Purposes in the poems of Nazik al Malaika and Perveen Shakir (A Comparatve Study)


  • د.مكية نبي بخش أستاذة بمدرسة الباكستانية العالمية، جدة، السعودية العربية.
  • د. حافظ محمد أكرم الأزهري أستاذ مساعد، قسم اللغة العربية، الجامعة الإسلامية، بهاولبور


We have talked in this article about the Nazek of the angels as a poet and literary writer, so she has some books in Arab criticism and has her collections known as (Diwan of the Angels) and she has several well-known books and in this article we will learn about the most important of her work, and something short about her birth, her culture and the most important poems, especially poems similar to poems of  Parveen Shaker. Then we will get to know Parveen Shaker, her origin, her birth, her education, a simple account of her marital life, and one of her most important literary works, and one of her most important works (Complete Moon), and why are her poems most similar to your poems, angels, for several reasons, the most important thing known about them as two well-known poets and two queens of free poetry One of them is considered the pioneer of free Arabic poetry and known for its wonderful poetic length.

Keywords: Nazek, literary writer, Arab criticism, Parveen Shaker, Complete Moon, Arabic poetry.




How to Cite

د.مكية نبي بخش, & د. حافظ محمد أكرم الأزهري. (2023). الأغراض المتشابهة في أشعار نازك الملائكة وبروين شاكر(دراسة مقارنة): The Similar Purposes in the poems of Nazik al Malaika and Perveen Shakir (A Comparatve Study). JAR, 3(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/775