Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July-December

التفاعل النقديّ للرواية الرقمية: نظريّة الأدب مدخلا: Critical Interaction of the Digital Novel through the Literary Theory

أ.د. مصلح عبدالفتاح النجار
أستاذ الأدب العربي الحديث ونظرية الأدب ،قسم اللغة العربية بالجامعة الهاشمية،المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية

Published 2022-12-30


  • elements,
  • characteristics,
  • and conditions of each genre,
  • literary work,
  • reception

How to Cite

أ.د. مصلح عبدالفتاح النجار. (2022). التفاعل النقديّ للرواية الرقمية: نظريّة الأدب مدخلا: Critical Interaction of the Digital Novel through the Literary Theory. JAR, 5(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/702


Literary theory is concerned with the elements, characteristics, and conditions of each genre, with future possibilities for development, modernization, or expansion of concepts. The interactive novel is still in the stage of defining it as a genre, formulating terms, defining their boundaries, and drawing the differences between them.

There are many important questions in terms of aesthetic experience, aesthetic values, pragmatic aspect, language, the influence of the new medium, digital rhetoric, the aspects of literary text and literary work, reception, influence of the recipient and the type of his/her contribution to the digital novel, so that the research concludes to frame the horizons that critical efforts should pay attention to.

This research deals with the relationship and the state of induction between the digital novel and the traditional paper novel, with their similarities, differences, and the development of technology and media aspect of the digital novel, considering whether it’s final or not.