مراجعة لغوية مقارنة لآيات الأوامر في ترجمات آربري وبكتهال الإنجليزية للقرآن الكريم


  • حافظ عزيز الرحمن الأستاذ المساعد بقسم دراسات الترجمة، الجامعة الإسلامية بهاولفور
  • أ.د. شيخ شفيق الرحمن بروفيسر بقسم اللغة العربية وآدابها، الجامعة الإسلامية بهاولفور


Arberry, Pickthall, Translation, Ayat of injunctions, blood money, wedlock, beggar, suppliant


Translation and its studies are of great importance in transmitting different sciences, knowledge, civilizations, cultures, and languages, to connect people and nations, bridge the distances between them, and create the required communication process. The importance of translation and its need has been increased in various fields, and thus translators face multiple problems that require treatment methods and strategies developed by specialists from linguists, theorists, and practicing translators.

Given the fact that English is the dominant language in the world today and that a large number of the world’s population (Muslims and non-Muslims) learn the Qur’an through its English translations, the question naturally arises: How accurate and how communicative are these translations? And to what extent they truly reflect the original meaning. Accordingly, there is an ongoing need to evaluate and improve the quality of existing English translations of the Qur'an. We have chosen two English translations; Arberry & Pickthall.

In this study we review Arberry and Pickthall's English translations of the Qur'an in a linguistically comparative manner. We have reviewed verses of injunctions (آيات الأحكام).




How to Cite

حافظ عزيز الرحمن, & أ.د. شيخ شفيق الرحمن. (2022). مراجعة لغوية مقارنة لآيات الأوامر في ترجمات آربري وبكتهال الإنجليزية للقرآن الكريم. JAR, 5(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/692