مکانة سيدنا علي بن حسين في الادب العربية

Status of Sayed Ali bin Hussain in Arabic Literature


  • Nazar Hussain Chandio PhD Scholar,Bahaulddin Zakariya University Multan
  • Prof. Dr. Syed Ammar Haider Zaidi Associate Professor (Arabic),Bahaulddin Zakariya University Multan


Sayed Imam Zain ul Abdin A S has great Importance in the field of Arabic Literature, His Speeches, His Prayers, His Poetry played a vital role in the History of Arabic Literature. In this Research Paper it is analysis that how effected the speeches of Imam on the peoples of Sham (Syria) when He Had addressed in the Jamia Masjid Damascus. In this Research it is studied with analytical methods about the speeches, Prayers, and Arabic poetry and it is presented here one speech of Jamia Masjid Demascuss, one prayer from Saheefah Sajjadia and one poem from Deewan as example. What are the Method of Speech, how he introduces himself, how he presented the Introduction of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa S A W W, Hazrat Ali, and all which are related to Him discussed deeply, way of Prayer and Poetry how the usage of grammar (Sarf and Nahv) in his poetry, the word which are affected on people’s hearts he has chosen are discussed in this research paper with analytical study.




How to Cite

Nazar Hussain Chandio, & Prof. Dr. Syed Ammar Haider Zaidi. (2024). مکانة سيدنا علي بن حسين في الادب العربية: Status of Sayed Ali bin Hussain in Arabic Literature. JAR, 7(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/2362