Tashkeel e Jadeed 2024-02-26T10:38:48+05:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Iqbal Studies "Tashkeel e Jadeed "</p> اقبال ، اقبالیات اور نصابِ تعلیم 2024-02-14T09:24:03+05:00 ڈاکٹر فاطمہ حسن <p>Iqbal, Iqbaliat and educational curriculum Iqbaliat is a subject of our educational curriculum which is as important in the 21st century as it was in the last century. The passage of time has kept Iqbal's thought in tune with the contemporary as such that thinking minds are constantly identifying the ways present and future generations can access the multiple dimensions of this study. Iqbal and Iqbaliat are included in the curriculum of our students from elementary school to higher education at universities. However, we need to consider how and how much Iqbaliyat plays a part in the mental development, intellectual evolution, and character building of these students. Is the new generation making full use of the topics of this thinker, who was internationally recognized as a great intellectual, and the breadth of his expression? Or just by merely making his name and status formal, his poems regurgitated in the memory of the students, it’s assumed that the service to the great poet has been done. Isn't it the case that students feel closer to other poets than Iqbal and have only devotion to the poet status of Iqbal? There are many facets and considerations that should be kept in mind while including Iqbal in the curriculum and teaching his poetry. An important question also arises about the arguments presented for the use of Allama Iqbal's greatness and his thought and philosophy.</p> 2024-02-14T00:00:00+05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tashkeel e Jadeed قبال کا تصور تعلیم و تربیت (اسلام کے تناظر میں ) 2024-02-14T09:03:02+05:00 ڈاکٹر یاسمین کوثر <p>Allama Iqbal was a poet Philosopher and thinker. He expressed his views in poetry based on the Quran and Sunnah. He belonged to a religious family. His parents and teachers like Mir Hassan Played a fundamental role in his education and training. He was an orthodox Muslim and a lover of Rasool Akram (Peace be upon him). In his poetry the aspect of love for religion of Islam and love for the prophet is prominent. A Muslim’s Religion is not complete without believing in Prophet. In the Quran Allah has ordered the Muslims to obey his prophet as well as himself. Iqbal wanted the training of our new generation according to the principles of Islamic religion. He wished that our new generation must acquire the modern education of science and arts, but it should not have the aspect of atheism, rather the teaching of religion of Islam should be prominent and should be trained in self-realization, because success of the world and hereafter depends upon the following of Quran and Sunnah. Allama Iqbal wants to make the youth of the nation, Through the light of education, the winner of the battle of life and consider education as the most effective means for this purpose. According to Iqbal’s teaching when a Muslim loyal to Allah and his prophet, Almighty Allah puts the pen of destiny in his hand. This article consists of research analysis of Iqbal’s teaching regarding modern education.</p> 2024-02-14T00:00:00+05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tashkeel e Jadeed اسلامی اقتصادی نظام اورفکرِ اقبال 2024-02-14T08:55:48+05:00 محمد اعظم <p>Iqbal is a poet cum philosopher. His teachings guide in every aspect of society. Allama Iqbal has presented a clear concept of economy through his poetry and thoughts. He does no­­­t look toward Karl Marx for economic guidance, nor does he consider the modern ideas of the West. In fact, the sources of Iqbal's thought are the Qur'an and Sunnah. Fikr-e-Iqbal teaches Islamic economy. In Iqbal's time, Socialism and Capitalism were much discussed. Iqbal critically reviewed these two systems and liked their positive aspects and strongly criticized their negative aspects. Iqbal has declared that the basic sources of wealth belong to Allah. He opposes contemporary economic principles, including atheism. He solely adheres to the economic principles of Islam.</p> 2024-02-14T00:00:00+05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tashkeel e Jadeed اردومشابہ الصوت حروف اور اردو اعراب کا جواز 2024-02-14T08:21:40+05:00 ڈاکٹر عبدالستار ملک <p>Although Urdu script is derived from the Arabic script. But Urdu differs from Arabic in its nature and unlike Arabic, some sounds are pronounced like each other. Due to that some experts object to Urdu script and suggest the removal of letters with similar sounds. But the removal of these letters can create many complexities and difficulties which cannot be resolved. These eight specific sounds of Urdu are common to Pakistani languages ​​such as Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Balochi, Kashmiri, and other local languages. How is it possible to exclude these words from all these languages? These sounds are the valuable capital of world languages ​​like Persian and Arabic. With this collaboration, Urdu emerges as a great global and scientific language. By removing these letters, Urdu will suffer a great loss in terms of knowledge. There will be an encounter, which cannot be compensated. In short, this change is not feasible in context with Urdu historical background and present linguistic geographical condition.. The Urdu script is non- diacritical in its nature and diacritics in Urdu are not arranged in the same way as in Arabic. However, it is necessary to organize the essential diacritics in the basic textbooks. This article argues and analyses the situation.</p> 2024-02-14T00:00:00+05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tashkeel e Jadeed تہذیبی تکثیریت و آفاقیت کے سیاق میں اقبال کے تصور "وحدت آدم" کی عصری معنویت 2024-02-14T08:02:56+05:00 محمدشفیع اللہ <p>In today's multi-civilization world, the dangers of civilization conflict are being predicted. Western thinkers have given the concept of universal civilization to remedy the civilizational conflict and misunderstanding. Under which all the civilizations of the world have to be integrated to create a common global civilization. The main purpose is to facilitate imperialism by imposing European civilization on a global level by establishing the dominant European civilization and cultural traditions on other nations. In the second option, the concept of civilizational pluralism is being given, under which all the civilizations of the world should be given full opportunity to flourish while maintaining their identity. A century ago, Iqbal, realizing the dangers of civilizational conflict and mixing, gave the concept of ‘’ Unity of Adam” In which all civilizations have opportunities to learn side by side with tolerance, respect, love and freedom, and to be created such an atmosphere of brotherhood, co-operation and unity among them that there are no dangers of violence and conflict. To solve the contemporary civilizational and cultural problems, there is an urgent need to see Iqbal's concept''Wadat-e-Adam''in the perspective of 21st century. In the light of Iqbal’s texts, a multi-civilized global society can be organized which will be based on humanistic foundations instead of the imperialist global civilizational system.</p> 2024-02-14T00:00:00+05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tashkeel e Jadeed